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Status Updates posted by Auvreaeath

  1. Yo dawg, unbanned today.

  2. To my dearest, Slapacookie, do not take the word of trolls who only wish to shoot you down, take heed of the friendships around you and rise above them.

  3. Writing Lore Writing Lore, Also writing a PMC Post again.

    1. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Link me when you're done. =3

    2. Nero


      take it and throw it on the ground, you aint no charity case. Maaaannnn

  4. For those who never got the chance to see. Auv will be unbanned on August 6th, 2012. Auv will now be limited to one account to be used on the server. And finally, Auv will be demoted of all staff positions he holds, and will be unable to regain any position of power in the future.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Jhaax


      LeSigh. Sadface.jpg Too many controversial bans in one period of time

    3. Bircalin


      He has been cleared of what would have been a permanent, un-appealable ban, be happy! Congrats Auv~

    4. Nero


      I didn't get to post the car accident gif in time like on Timayame's ban report :(

  5. Goodbye FM... Goodbye.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bircalin


      Surely Heero's comment should be removed too then. He is creating opposition. I'm not picking sides here, just saying.

    3. Auvreaeath


      If you'd like to tell someone about what you deem a "Useless" comment and speak with them about it take it to PM's please..

      and Heero's has been removed as well Bircalin.

    4. Bircalin


      <3 I hope your unbanning doesn't take too long.

  6. sometimes love, comes, around, and it knocks you down. :? I'm not gonna let these "Accusations Keep me Down"

  7. You know.. I've learned a lot during this whole, "OH YOU ARE A HACKER!" situation.. I've realized a lot of people picture me as a shady killer.. Then I remember those are the people I've never spoken to..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pudclud


      Nah, you're the next shiftnative, ahaha

    3. danic


      I don't think that they think you're a shady killer, it's just to a lot of players the evidence is clear. I still don't believe in the evidence, though.

    4. 0000


      The evidence is against you but.. you've had creative so many times.. why would you hack for fish...? That's what make this situation seem unlikely for me.

  8. Today I spoke with my "Sister" Esme again O: I haven't been in the outside world since October 17th 2011

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Auvreaeath


      I think Ursolon knows this one (facepalm) x 10

    3. Ursolon


      I don't even care. Get out. YOU'RE ALL BANNED!

    4. Auvreaeath


      I'm not staying banned for somethingg I didn't do silly :P

  9. Hmm, Meditating, I'm still thinking on the entire Situation that Happened this morning..

  10. JOIN US NOW, MAGIC TEAM CHANNEL, :) I'm Streaming Music -Claps Frantically-

  11. im off to soccer practice!

    1. Auvreaeath


      @Robin, I still have dat amazing Coach

  12. It's things like this that make me jealous of all of them.. :( Most Likely the Accents...
  13. :( Can someone gift me a game on Steam before I have to remove it because I'm poor and can't get good stuff?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wode


      ^Amen to that. 316 hours and counting.

    3. Jarkarll


      Just bought The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition :D

    4. Auvreaeath


      @Hosper, Steam Name is Auvreaeath o;

  14. Come on Boi! -Pats the Forums on the Head- Ye' Can do iet! Hang in d'ere!

  15. >.> I can second Dilaras Status.... -Shivers at the noises Lym Makes-

  16. tiger Told me to do it, "LIRI WHY U BREAK DA SERVER?"

  17. Liri why you break Server

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Lirinya, how come you keep doing this? I understand when someone kills your wolves it makes you mad, but don't take it out on us!


    1. Reader


      Meh.. SoI was better back in the old days.

  19. Soooo, How is the Forums evryone?

  20. :D 1 Hour and 19 Minutes

    1. Kickstarted and Running
    2. domainoft


      Is it your birthday? Happy 21st birthday maybe?

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