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Status Replies posted by Auvreaeath

  1. COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. Thuum has aske me to reduce my signature, and while I'm editing the picture to make it smaller, he warns me? 1. LOOK AT OTHER PEOPLES FRIGGIN SIGNATURES! And 2. IT'S NOT THAT BIG! others have signatures twice as big as mine!

    1. Auvreaeath


      You are acting way to unprofessional Josh, making this simply to flame about getting Warned for your signature? The FM's have asked you numerous times to Reduce the size of you Signature and you've not done so.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. crash? Or just me?

  3. It's over, not coming back this time. I'm out guys, see the cool ones later, see you jerks never again.

  4. I need to speak to someone knowledgeable about the guild section :3

  5. Best of luck, Auv. Many have tried to tame the Trade forum.

  6. My application got denied :D spent 3 days on it :D

  7. Are IC forum PMs allowed?

  8. Don't you get free grass VIP once you refer someone to the server?

  9. UNBAN DRELIK 2012 !!!!!

  10. Been exactly one year since I joined LotC now. Praise the almighty ShadowGunX!

  11. brb, busy crushing hopes and dreams

  12. I'm a Haelphon

  13. *Stirs his Cauldron* The time has come..

    1. Auvreaeath


      -Steps out of the Cauldron-

      >.> you forgot about me Native..

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)


  15. Going to play Skyrim~

  16. Working on a Final Entry for Shoi's Journal

  17. Can a moderator change my forum display name to "~Ardene/Celia/Aspect/Jasmine~"

  18. Does anybody wanna buy Mount and Blade Warband for me? lul

  19. Soccer practice tonight

  20. I want to know if I'm crazy- I was rp like normal, and some one tried to glich me out of a chair- I told him not to, then I punched him so I wouldn't glich out or die. I warned him again, and once more, I then killed him... he then says "NO RP KILLING" An is trying to get me banned. am I crazy for this or am I right?

    1. Auvreaeath


      Well it sounds as if he was baiting you in that No RP Kill so in honesty both of you are at fault.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. Brothers and sisters! It has been one day since our enemy, MythicalCraft has fallen! Alas, a new enemy looms ahead. Their name is OptiCraft... We must strike at their hearts with the power of a vote! CHARGE! http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774

    1. Auvreaeath


      I joined their server, and I make the Mods quit <3 I'm such a perfect little darling..

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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