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Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

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Status Replies posted by Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

  1. ~ is bored ~

  2. Basically all my characters friends are dead, with the exception of Regaki who I never see and Lafthi whom I am constantly harrassing.

  3. -eats chicken in a box- -reads label- 'Cook for 10-12 minutes' ... Oh dear...

  4. *Leaves troll marks on the your banned game

  5. I don't understand the livestream...

  6. The next time someone asks for a rise in player cap, someone will die...

  7. Screw this i'm going on Wizard101

  8. So umm.... I died today.

  9. *goes on after waiting for two hours for the numbers to drop by 2, comes ni and it is 227 out of 200... skyrim time.

  10. People Please stop raging, The Gm's spent ages making this map for us to enjoy, and yet we rage about not being able to enjoy it.

  11. GETTING MAD, haha I really wanna play :( should raise to 250

  12. FM Application...Yes? No? Anyone who knows me, please comment and be honest!

  13. .w. IT BEGINS

  14. Must do homework, Must resist LOTC.

  15. Trying to figure out the skin for my new 2.0 cahracter. If anyone could fix up a high elf blacksmith with golden hair and blue eyes I'd appreciate it XP Otherwise I'm rather stuck trying to mix high elf clothes with armor (as he will also be a fighter). His torso looks nice, his legs and arms don't quite fit the style though.

  16. I thinki am in love.. legit.. and it hurts. I need advice

  17. Theres an application for dark elves?????

  18. Urgh...I hate having strict parents, they keep harrassing me on how I can't play more than an hour at a time...>.> It so destroys my RP.

  19. Hey all, just wondering how one goes about getting on the App Team? I don't see any applications for it anywhere and was just curios.

  20. Hey all, just wondering how one goes about getting on the App Team? I don't see any applications for it anywhere and was just curios.

  21. well at least we have an official date

  22. Hey all, just wondering how one goes about getting on the App Team? I don't see any applications for it anywhere and was just curios.

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