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Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

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Status Replies posted by Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

  1. The Druids are undergoing a reform. Were not accepting new members just yet. We will be soon though!

  2. My parents say that "you cant play on the computer on school days honey because you got a B on the history test, and that means that you need more time to strudy" Im 16. FML

  3. -finds abandoned mineshaft- you do not have perms here.. FUUUU

  4. Pretended to be sick, so that I could stay home and play Lord of the Craft. :P

  5. Dat feel when your rep is 32. :D

  6. Obligatory 'RAMMING SPEED!'.

  7. It's SNOWING! :8D

  8. Why the hell do people always have Orcs kill their families!?

  9. Anyone willing to play as my long thought dead son?

  10. .w. Sylvia got captured by the Mori. Sheeeet.

  11. AHHHH YEEE 1031 profile views :P

  12. Due to the fact that we had a two hour delay in school, and my parents are awesome, thy told me I could skip today! :D

  13. Snow Day today, loving the fact that I don't have to go to school.

  14. Good morning world!

  15. Doo...doo doo...

  16. Toasted waffle honey expired SO I ATE THE WAFFLE ANYWAY WITHOUT HONEY

  17. Are we still supposed to get skill resets?

  18. /grow friendslist

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