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Status Updates posted by Runabarn

  1. Put on your war face!



    1. GodEmperorFlam


      What an astute representation.

  2. <Disgruntled comment on the server's current state>

    1. Cjmate


      We should start a union. 

  3. Fix the Mineservers voting link already

    1. tilly


      They're too busy working on nexus v. 9000

  4. Staff should just be upfront with us and say "We're probably going to half ass this update too and keep the server down a whole day." Instead of faking profesionalism.

    1. Kim


      are people actually complaining about this lmao jesus

  5. How many devs does it take to fix the vote links?

    1. meg


      the technology just isn't there yet

  6. Goodbye vote links

  7. Human Peasants should require a CA

    1. wolfdwg


      Nah nobles  should.

  8. Anyone else getting that East Germany feel lately?

  9. Mad props to Tythus for fixing my internet. I owe you some BK coupons.

  10. Yo dawg, I heard you like elves.

  11. Any suggestions on where should we settle? I don't think an elven city would be a god idea, since i'm an orc, and vice versa. Any ideas?

  12. Krugmar? Are you serious? you're an elf, orcs hate elves. Besides, it's full of knuckleheads.

  13. You go ahead and do your elf stuff, I got some orc business to take care about when I get promoted.

  14. You go ahead and do your elf stuff, I got some orc business to take care about when I get promoted.

  15. btw, krugmar is not an option. Period.

  16. Besides, Thral'mar is not happy at all with "us messing with the fort". Check WickedHavok app, they're trying to get **** on us!

  17. Ugh, server crashed again, anyways.see you tomorrow. I'm just going to use the soulstone and figure things out later. Cya

  18. Got me some lumber, I still need my bow thou.

    Hey, we need to meet with the others in an RP, Deadmoon and wickedhavok have already been promoted, so we may start right away.

  19. Hey, we gotta meet in RP now and start with the plans right away. We'll need lumber, lots of lumber and stone.

  20. Hey man, we gotta meet in the RP now, our characters I mean. We gonna need some lumber for the cabin, so try and get some if Maximus has some time. (we'll ned our bows too)

  21. You should add a pic of your skin to your app, or else it will not get accepted. DO NOT post the actual skin file! Post an image showing how your character would look. You can use the image from the link I gave you.

  22. Done, this is my first skin made from scratch! If there's something you don't like maybe I can fix it.


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