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Status Updates posted by DrakeHaze.

  1. *Community hug!*

    1. EmeraldStag


      "le gasping inhale* <(^_^<)

  2. Luckily i have the background of being a Admin and ForumAdmin on another server :3

  3. Whoever got banned, what rank were they on the forums? FM, GM anything? I'm rather interested in doing something for the community and if we're gonna need some new people...

    1. FORƎST


      The teams are always hiring. No need to wait for someone to get banned before filling out an app. =)

    2. DrakeHaze.


      <3 CraftedLime, I'll spend the rest of the day working on an app for a certain position. I just enjoy making apps, calms the mind :3

  4. Look at all the conformists below me! :D

  5. Forgot about the screenshot contest xD Now I have a bunch of paintings with no use. Who wants them for whatever?

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda has enough paintings, but thank you :3

  6. Just noticed. What happened to the topic about how to play a Kha Kitten?

  7. What year did Aegis fall?

  8. Question time: Is weed in Asulon? Someone is RP smoking weed so I'd like to know :3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FORƎST


      Drugs happen, prostitution happens, people die, etc. Welcome to Asulon: **** happens. The younger members have claimed that they're mature, and for the most part they are. No one else’s rp should be hindered because of the kid next door who wants to play on the server.

    3. izaN


      Agreed with CraftedLime.

      For real, it's RP, wether

      or not drug RP, it's not

      like there isn't killing

      and getting drunk. If

      you're playing an RP server

      then you should be mature enough

      to know that..

    4. DrakeHaze.


      Okay well seems everyone is okay with it. Time to make LSD. Thats legit right? RP make some potions and trip on acid, yay life! :D

  9. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion on a "New map" so don't troll them. Either way you're role playing and isn't that what counts? *prepares for snobby comments*

    1. Austin


      *Snob snob snob*

  10. Alright. I'm getting off for tonight. Row row fight the powah~

  11. Pfft I'm at 1k views and I don't do anything. 18 active posts ftw!~

  12. Aegis = Mexico Asulon = Russia

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aedan The Bard
    3. Shuness
    4. DrakeHaze.


      No need to be rude Jarkarll. I wasn't referring to size.


  14. *loads gun* NOTCH!!!!

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Put down the gun, with out notch there would be no mine craft.

    2. Admiral_Ackbarf
  15. I like the part where i can't login because minecraft.net is stupid -_-

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      There there, you can hang out with Panda!

  16. IDK What pisses me off more. Losing my cell charger, or not being able to text my crush. FML

  17. *cough* 8 minas per porkchop at my stall in Glenwood *cough* Cheapest meat ever *cough cough*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nononymous


      Hm? That stall? Oh yes, I saw it in Glenwood the last time I visited at an unrealeased time, I guess I shall have to go there sometime, no meta or anything. ;)

    3. DrakeHaze.


      I have a topic in trade but it seems everyone dislikes my existance and does not reply xD

    4. d3athfall


      I appreciate your existence.

  18. Any unique ideas of what to do with a 50x50 plot?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Areon


      50x50? Nothing, because Oren will take it over sooner or later.

    3. Areon


      50x50? Nothing, because Oren will take it over sooner or later.

    4. DrakeHaze.


      God bless jews :D

      I guess I will just make a giant wall surrounding the area and like 5 gates. And a drawbridge, and then past the gates have another drawbridge with lava under it. And to top it all off, most of the ground shall be made of obsidian :3

  19. Considering doing a race change. Thinking High Elf. Just read on LoTC wiki that High elf are about 6 feet tall yet dark elf are 7 and are somehow shorter? Mistake maybe?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jraie45 (Larien Alfakyn)

      Jraie45 (Larien Alfakyn)

      I love my High elf character... And its not necessarily racism... More or less Elitism...

    3. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      I will *cough* help? Uhm

    4. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      High Elves are actually truly amazing. This is total bias, but I guarantee you will -love- our RP! (:

  20. Check out my trade post for meat :3

  21. Anyone know how to let people buy from the chestshop if they don't have perms for the area?

  22. I feel like im giving birth waiting for server to go back online. I just donated, I must make my modreq! *punches screen*

  23. Yay! I just donated I think! Payment to Alexander Uckun completed! Woot... oh wait patch >.

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