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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Mystery

  1. i wonder how many furries are on this server...

  2. -Tries to log onto LoL- — Looks like Riot doing a Blizzard...

  3. Can someone please look at my ban appeal?

  4. Who should I speak to to get perms for Haelun'Or? My alt lives there and I can't open chests, close some doors etc. Thanks

  5. Those single times in your life.. When you want to let go.. Thinking no hope is left.. But a small part of you of merely 2%.. Wont let you.. And holds on to make you hold on... But it tears you apart...

  6. Why, good morning LOTC~ today, tell your Father that you love him, 'cuz it's father's day :3

  7. 6,666 profile view~ Next person viewing gets paddled >:|

  8. Heading to downton Cleveland, Ohio for Marine Week :D

  9. Heading to downton Cleveland, Ohio for Marine Week :D

  10. I like sitting in the wandering soul chat and helping out the newbies :)

  11. I would like to thank the community for supporting me since I started playing. I do apologize for raging on the status pages yesterday, and I ask for forgiveness. I wasn't doing this for attention, I was doing this because I care enough for the server and its community to keep it from going downhill. I may be gone, but I will stay on the forums for a little longer to make sure that my voice is heard. I love this server, and grow very close this community. That's why I'm on the for...

  12. I think this is actually a really great plugin, with fantastic opportunities... People won't have to rely on themselves as much. A farmer can gather ingredients which he then gives to a cook. The cook creates loaves of bread, and sends them to an army, where soldiers are fed. Doesn't that sound awesome to you?

  13. **** it. Everyone shut up about the patch. Post a thread on the feedback section, and voice your opinions publicly and professionally. I implore you to at least try that, and please stop spamming my status updates, most people don't care. Concentrate your opinions into a thread and complain there. .

  14. I think this is actually a really great plugin, with fantastic opportunities... People won't have to rely on themselves as much. A farmer can gather ingredients which he then gives to a cook. The cook creates loaves of bread, and sends them to an army, where soldiers are fed. Doesn't that sound awesome to you?

  15. I've tried to support people in the wandering souls chat, but sometimes the sheer stupidity can get to you...

  16. I am seriously disappointed with the new flow of applications.

  17. lol, running around the house chasing our dog while blowing a vuvuzella

  18. Last day of school~

  19. has Asulon or Aegis ever had black people?

  20. Would anyone partisipate in "Sing a Song"? Which is basicly people posting videos/audio streams of themselves singing for the enjoyment of others?

  21. My boyfriend sent me a huge box full of candy. I loves him so.

  22. Is there a seperate App for Kha Kittens? Or am I just supposed to make up a bio for a 3 year old or something xD

  23. Is anyone interested in play a child to a -very- prominant high elven family?

  24. I saw a little boy today steal a little girls chocolate bar. The boy ran 2 feet before falling over, grazing his knees and bursting into tears. The little girl kicked him while he was down and took the bar back. I lol'd

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