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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Mystery

  1. Yay, the Drunken Bungalow finally has some tavern rp :3

  2. I can't wait to start playing!

  3. Past 4 status have been deleted,what is this North Korea?

    1. Mystery


      South Korea is best Korea. We have internet.. and electricity.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Turned into a domestic Goddess and made chicken casserole for me and my housemates. Get on my level, LoTC - http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/296222_10152969492200527_1093214586_n.jpg

  5. Hey guys, wanna hear a joke??? Microsoft.

  6. Microsoft is willing to take risks that Sony never could because they never make enough money. My Gamestop is sold out of Xbox One's already, but not ps4's :P

  7. Simon Cowell getting egged on live TV - ahahaha!

  8. THINK ABOUT THE CHILLUNS YOU SICK RP FREAK #nogunz #removecombatrp #noftb #nocybering #analprolapse

    1. Mystery


      Pretty sure they said NOT to post **** like this in status's

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Going through some old pics saved on MC. Came across this one. xD http://imgur.com/t2VmFPt

  10. Going through some old pics saved on MC. Came across this one. xD http://imgur.com/t2VmFPt

  11. Ride around on a bicycle in a red suit with tampons glued to you and yell "Im on the menstrual Cycle!"

  12. What does 104 116 116 112 58 47 47 108 111 114 100 111 102 116 104 101 99 114 97 102 116 46 110 101 116 47 97 98 104 99 109 108 113 97 105 107 46 112 110 103 means?

  13. Anyone figure this out yet? http://lordofthecraft.net/abhcmlqaik.txt

    1. Mystery


      He told me Caesar shift. In that case there are 50 possibilities, then it may be backwards so another 100 probabilities. He told me all of this. Btw the prize is free **** hidden on the map.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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