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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Mystery

  1. I have Raynaud's syndrome! D:

  2. Whos your favrioute man whose name begins in J and ends in ibuis of House Sillygoose?

  3. Has very sore feet but had a lovely shift at work. I can't wait to finish my training :)

  4. Would the community like to see more underwater/oceanic things in 3.0?

    1. Mystery


      Neko, How about crashed boats and such? Just shoot me a message where you would want some and Ill get on to make them :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hey, you ever wonder why we're here?

    1. Mystery


      SHH I don't need to be mindfawked right noaw.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hey LotC, let's talk tea. What's your favorite blend? I prefer Earl Grey myself.

  7. The intro of AC3 shocked me, but the ending... erm.. I don't get it.

  8. Power's holding strong in Ohio!

  9. Depressed, and on the edge. So forgive me if I ain't on the server much for a while.

  10. So, that family with 8 kids staying at my house... at first they were gonna be here for six weeks. Then, until Dec. 1st. Now? February.

  11. So my girlfriend wants to sexually abuse me. Interesting.

  12. *Is glad she's not on the Temp server*

  13. Kitten sitting tonight, apparently. Woot.

  14. Even I think this is straight up bad music... but it's catchy and has a sick bass so I listen anyways. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XduGFmo0Nbo

  15. You Cray cray .

  16. Anyone know why when i press shift to sneek it wont stay on sneek? :(

  17. Still waiting on them Mori forum lessons...

  18. I've been gone for a while.... WHAT IS THIS ABOUT 3.0!

  19. just killed a mosquito in my hand. I am a NINJA.

  20. Ehg. I've decided that until 3.0, I don't what to put my opinion out anymore as it isn't very great. So therefore, I choose to leave to then. Cya then LotC! ^_^

  21. Do we have an ETA on when the server will be back?

  22. Just so you know thats not VAQ. His forum title would be changed to banned like Availers was.

  23. Soo.. whats everyone doing this fine evening?

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