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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Areon

  1. Hail Hail Rock'n'roll! The son of a gun, Somebody just called, and I was always ready to go... So early in the mornin'. When I went to Iraq; They took Kuwait and we faught them back. But I was always ready to go, so early in the mornin'. Hail Hail Rock'n'Roll, The son of a gun somebody just called, And I was always ready to go, So early in the mornin'.

  2. and off to battle we will go. To live or die? Hell I dunno! Hail Oh Hail Oh Infantry! Find a battle or follow me! An Airborne Ranger's Life for me, When nothing in this world is free.

  3. From my big bird in the sky. . . All will jump and some will die.

  4. From my big bird in the sky. . . All will jump and some will die.

  5. What did YOU do this past week?
  6. Spent a day in my grandfathers garden eating all his crop like a boss.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      I don't like Farmville :3

  7. Spent a day in my grandfathers garden eating all his crop like a boss.

  8. So. . . Haven't heard back from you in a while.

  9. Goodbye LotC.

    1. steelersfan1221


      Bye person I don't know. <3

    2. Haelphon


      I love you other deadmau5 fan<3

    3. Taiga


      For a week. :I

  10. How 'Bout dem Hurricanes?

  11. Umg, You from NC? Me tooo

  12. FFffff, I need your advice.

  13. DSFAJDSFJSDFSD Skype. Now. Its. Important.

  14. RPing with Godfrey's NPC Royal_Guard. Am I wierd?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ayresalex


      Oh... you. I scare all my recruits by yelling at the NPC recruiters for other guilds.

    3. Areon


      Panda annoys malice with all the third person. Yes she does. :3

    4. Areon


      Panda annoys malice with all the third person. Yes she does. :3

  15. Im going to accidently video call you one day. . . And your probably going to be there then.

  16. Stop ignoring meh. q.q

  17. *starts turning iron blocks into ingots* CRASH DETECTED, RESTARTING *Logs back in to see the iron blocks are gone*

    1. Imperial Legion Soldier

      Imperial Legion Soldier

      *Would cry if it was him*

    2. Imperial Legion Soldier

      Imperial Legion Soldier

      *Would cry if it was him*

  18. Got stung on the wrist by a bee, I think im allergic, feeling woooooooooooooooozzy.

    1. MartinDaMartian


      Try the back of the neck.

    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Try on your adams apple.

    3. CommanderCaleb


      Try the top of your head twice.

  19. Got stung on the wrist by a bee, I think im allergic, feeling woooooooooooooooozzy.

  20. Get on ts3 if you can. :3

  21. I think I just got sold some weed by an orc.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Lol... Those damn Orcs.

    3. TheNinox


      You arent the only one... i thought I was buying Dye not dank!

    4. VonAulus
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