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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Areon

  1. Any DayZ'ers online right now hit me up on ts3. Will be in the Teuton channel. Poke me.

  2. It is official; The White Rose will be Nerfed on the Next Update (Every Tuesday). Paladins will be Buffed and a "Bubble" Protection Spell added. Villainous Rogues get your stunlocks ready!

  3. G'bye Aryon. And thank you for speaking what others feel. Who needs a "EPIC PREBUILT CASTLE LUL."

  4. First time on LotC in like a month. No one missed me.

    1. Lykos


      I can't say I missed you due to not knowing you well, but welcome back.

  5. "Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous forturne, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them."

  6. "Conscience Doth make Cowards of us All. . ."

  7. "Let me tell you a story, to chill the bones. 'Bout a thing that I saw. One night wandering in the everglades. . . I'd one drink, but no more. I was rambling, enjoying the bright moon light. Gazing up to the stars. Not aware of a presence so near to me, watching my every move. Feeling scared and I fell to my knees. Something rushed me from the trees. Took me to an unholy place, that is where I fell from grace."

  8. "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, then are dream't of. . . In your philosophies."

  9. Joined for the first time in months. . . Get instant whisper "Ignored and reported" Spent five minutes trying to see what I was reported for.

    1. Phelrin


      Look a the status below :)

    2. Phelrin


      Look a the status below :)

  10. Hey LotC. . . It has been I while. I'd ask if you missed me, but the answer will probably be "No."

    1. Thu'um


      I miss you.

    2. MonkeyCoffee
    3. Bethykinss


      Good start to a conversation monkey :3 lol

  11. I'll post a status, because I can.


    1. gingernut97


      like dis if u cry efrytime

  13. "I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."

  14. Anyone Rather Religious? Add me on skype : tylerah4297

  15. Well, I'm back from Hell.

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Jamaica isn't that bad :/

    2. Areon


      No, No. It's a Place on the Grand Cayman Isle.

      It was colder than I expected.

  16. Welp, Bye LotC. Leaving 'Murica tomorrow. Will be on forums at least tomorrow, Don't expect back for a week or so.

  17. Malice's new theme song:

  18. VA Purge, Might as well call it "Player-base Purge"

    1. lemontide331
    2. TommyRedblue
    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      I don't has a VA. And besides, I doubt that everyone on the server has a VA, otherwie we would be incredably corrupt and the server would of been dead by now.

  19. May be quitting soon.

    1. Skippy


      Yeah, we can't let that happen, son.

    2. cruzazul


      If you are going to quit LoTC because of a purge, then you need to rethink your decision...

    3. Roxforbraynz


      You'll be back.

      They always come back.

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