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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by ΩMercenΩ

  1. ahh, well that's just not right.. he shouldn't do that stuff

  2. I just went around and +1'ed a bunch of your posts. Whoever -1's them is immature, and you don't deserve that rep, at least from what I've seen and heard

  3. Ya know what, I wanna go back to Aegis

  4. bah! Who needs homework!

    1. Nononymous


      *Raises hand eagerly.*

      *Realizes he misheard him.*

      *Lowers his hand awkwardly*

    2. Nononymous


      *Raises hand eagerly.*

      *Realizes he misheard him.*

      *Lowers his hand awkwardly*

    3. ΩMercenΩ
  5. School just annoys me

    1. SparehoeCakes


      +1 But you gotta do whatcha gotta do. :)

  6. I.. was booted again, by tnt in the spawn box... for the hunger games D:

  7. why do braces hurt so much? D:

  8. thinking of playing a dwarf on my alt as the baby thing doesn't seem to be happening...

    1. Teemo (Beast_Teemo)

      Teemo (Beast_Teemo)

      It's happening.

      She was just born.

      Her name is Lorwyn_Morris

  9. not sure if I like new background...

    1. Admiral_Ackbarf


      I think it looks nice.

    2. ΩMercenΩ


      well thank ya

  10. shutting myself away in my room until I get sonic ether's shaders to work!

    1. ΩMercenΩ
    2. Cloakedsphere


      Whats your skype name? :I I can help you with shaders

    3. ΩMercenΩ


      making Skype now!

  11. I wanna install the shading mod and optifine so bad, but I can't do it! Can anyone help?

    1. Twilight Druid
    2. ΩMercenΩ


      I don't know I just can't figure it out! :(

  12. :O well I'll still be making visits back to the Vale

  13. sorry, working on it!

  14. it's ma birthday!! he he he

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      Happy Birthday!

      May your cake not be a lie!

    3. LaCabra (Soda)
    4. LaCabra (Soda)
  15. trapped in the Alras farm residential building, it's all good...

  16. You avatar is hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing!

  17. I know, but I need permission, and a reason to do so, from the head app team member

  18. 9/10 seen you a lot, and heard 'bout ya!
  19. Profile background, why you no work?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Salamandra


      I don't have anything that says "Profile Customization"

    3. Salamandra


      I don't have anything that says "Profile Customization"

    4. ΩMercenΩ
  20. oh do you want the layout, or screenies?

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