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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by ΩMercenΩ

  1. :D really?? Thanks! I'll pm you it, make sure to show me the finished project, or would it be ok for me to make an ooc visit to see it?

  2. why were you asking about Kanatar's skin?

  3. I want my FM app to be reviewed been so long D:

    1. KarmaDelta


      Patience is a virtue ;)

  4. just entered in the nature's boon contest!

  5. why are there so many monsters in the Vale?!?!? I went on, and there was a magma cube, and zombie in our wheat farm!!!! We can't fight them off either, so what do we do?!?!?!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      Or you can always throw a party and party them to death...... Or just go on a quest to find Petyr.

    3. Neri


      Alcohol. The solution to everything is Alcohol.

    4. ΩMercenΩ


      I'll take these suggestions to heart

      thanks everyone :P

  6. I'm there a lot Cataris, are you in EST or US anywhere? Oh and Petyr, did you get my pm?

  7. MCAS, blehhhhhh

    1. KarmaDelta


      A bird? I love Makaws!

    2. ΩMercenΩ


      no it's statewide testing D:

    3. Wobbajack


      I know how you feel.. -_-

      Luckily I don't have them this yeart.

  8. Eighty degrees!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΩMercenΩ


      haha, my house is cool

    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Saturday - 90 degrees. Today - 40, with a chance of a snowstorm. WTF.

    4. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Saturday - 90 degrees. Today - 40, with a chance of a snowstorm. WTF.

  9. my bracket's already screwed up :/

  10. got bit by a dog today D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΩMercenΩ


      he had gotten his raby shots, we even called the doctor and checked to see if I needed a shot, they said no. And the family who owned the dog was very nice about it, they were so sorry, they hired a trainer, and even came over my house to see if I was okay, but it still hurts :P

    3. Ever


      Next time, bite the dog back to PROVE YOUR DOMINANCE!

    4. ΩMercenΩ


      Right! Will do!!

  11. okay so on saturday it snowed... now it's 70 degrees... what?

    1. KarmaDelta


      You dont know the chugging of water i did when i got home....... 3 bottles worth.....

    2. Wobbajack


      Mother Nature's bipolar.

    3. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
  12. want the server to update so I can go on again!!!!!!

  13. I don't think my messenger works, I've sent a few people pm's and they haven't responded after days. Maybe people just don't like me :(

  14. I need to send you a pm, but your inbox is full, can you send me one, or let me know when it's not full? Thanks :)

  15. can't send pm because of array?

    1. hypercrit


      Either you don't have a subject, or...the recipents inbox is full

    2. ΩMercenΩ
  16. hmmmm... thinking of getting second minecraft account, where can I find out about Blood Mages?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΩMercenΩ


      I have no idea where any are :P

    3. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      Ellser is one. He burned me like 40 times today xD

    4. ΩMercenΩ


      haha, I'll pm him, thanks!

  17. Waylon, is an amazing drawer!! Look at my spoiler in my sig :D

    1. CosmicWhaleShark
    2. ΩMercenΩ


      yeah I know you should ask for one!

  18. that feeling when you got a really good idea, and you were so excited to do it, then you forget what you were gonna do -.-.....

  19. Vacation's almost over D:

    1. Nigthhealz


      i dident get a cacation D:

    2. Nigthhealz


      did not and vacation*

  20. just watched Chronicle, very weird movie...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ΩMercenΩ


      Yeah it was pretty good, made me dizzy though

    3. Beneh


      It was kinda an Anti-Climax :/

    4. ΩMercenΩ


      yeah, near the end it seemed like the kid

      was becoming the Hulk...

  21. brilliant, would provide great rp, and just great fun!
  22. You must go on NOW!!!

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