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Status Updates posted by Porkour.

  1. Thus, the Emperor of Oren oinketh!

    1. Arkelos


      And on that day, everyone had a grilled porkchop, everyone said the emperor was good, but he tasted even better

      The end

  2. Mmmm. Move over, eggs. Bacon just got a new best friend – fudge

    1. Sifhalla


      Vanilla ice cream is better...

  3. Does the community want me to moderate the forums? The choice is not for me to decide.

    1. Slic3man


      Guardian Hog of the Forums, is that what I hear right now?

  4. When you see pigs fly it means Windows has become open source

    1. Shorsand


      Oh, I get it. Because your name has 'pork' in it, right?

  5. Dora the Explorer is nearsighted. If it is not within 30 feet, Dora can't see it.

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Sounds like me except replace 30 with 5

  6. When your significant other asks you to take them somewhere expensive for your anniversary, take them to the gas station and lament about how expensive gas has gotten.

  7. Studying to be an Oracle PL/SQL Development Certified Associate or OCA.

    1. Devin~


      Awesome, Good luck

  8. Never hit a man with glasses. To be effective, hit him with something much bigger and heavier.

    1. Agith


      Like your rump?

  9. What lies beyond the Mists of Avalon?

    1. Lark


      The Line to Mordor

  10. oink

    1. Kaelan


      Alasdair d'Aumont oinks from his boat

  11. In light of the recent issues I've had with logging into Minecraft, I have tried to contact Mojang Customer Support, and have still yet to hear from them. Because of this, I am unable to log into the server. It has been one week since my last recorded activity. Mojang email and password recovery states my account has been migrated, and I tried all of my emails to see if I would get feedback. I will continue to wait to the end of the month for a response. If unsuccessful, this will be the end of the pigman and quite possibly the end of my journey with Minecraft. Mojang states that they could recover and reset my account given I provide them with a transaction ID, but the bank only holds statements four years back. I hope I get these issues resolved.

  12. Oink.

    1. Thornz


      Nananana cause my hips don lie 

  13. The pig has returned!

    1. Year of the Porkour.


    1. Space


      year of the cop

  14. Support me in my shot at becoming a GM! http://bit.ly/gmlotcpork

  15. Come play with us: while LOTC is down

  16. Dear community, I am applying to be a GM. Please give me feedback as to what you want to see in me (not pork). Any feedback or support is greatly appreciated. http://bit.ly/Porkmod

  17. So I got a call from the Diabetes Providers in Jupiter, Florida. They called twice, so I gave them a call. Turns out, they want to provide me with aid for my diabetes. I called them thinking it was a telemarketer and wanted to be taken off their call list. The other guy on the other line simply wanted to provide me with information regarding their aid. My simple reply: I dont have diabetes. Its nice to finally get a call thats not a telemarketer and offering aid from the governement to treat ...

  18. Erryday Im porkin' it!

  19. For those who are wanting the WaywardPig texture pack, you can download it at http://bit.ly/WaywardPig

  20. Ho' down! I mean server down!

  21. Streaming live music in "The Redstone Pub". Come into TS3 and chill.

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