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Twilight Druid

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Status Updates posted by Twilight Druid

  1. A week full of exams, two 17th birthday parties and several packets worth of messed with instant pancake mixture and I'm feeling pretty messed up. But be ready for my return next week once I recover.

  2. Im not on right now due to mid exams and hectic stuff around it but soon

  3. I had a revelation while in my exam today. Even if I pass or fail, succeed or plummet, the world keeps spinning and I should just be happy to be alive. So don't stress over things that don't need to be and just be happy for a hug :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Not the only parents

    3. Nimshae Annamea Najade
    4. Tigergamer


      :3 Exams aren't life changers, its what you do with your life is what changes it~

  4. Playing the rash, naive character is futher in my opinion :)

  5. First exam tomorrow...

    1. Antharin


      Good luck. :P I got better grades than I expected on my exams, hope the luck is with you too.

    2. Tigergamer


      Goodluck, you should be able to do better then myself since I failed, lol. ~

  6. I'll let you take an educated guess as to which one is the real one

  7. You're far to kind with your words. Id have thought by now you'd have something critical to say about me :P thanks Dante

  8. Only a please yes? :( Would have thought you would have more to say about me and any stupid things I've done so far ;)

  9. Thanks for your words though I don't quite understand how I'm shining apart from others :) And don't make me pick between tiger and you either D:

  10. Thanks for your input ) I guess I do lack in activity with apps but I do try doing them when I can

  11. Did I enter the only poem?

  12. Dieing* not firing

  13. Fun fact: Your sister prodded a firing monk to death and stole his few possessions... Blame the parenting?

  14. Didn't think about that... Ok you're forgiven and Ty for the support :)

  15. Vanya has a Mew mew.... She is actually a happy lass for once in her life now

    1. V0idsoldier


      Is that the same girl who non chalantly poked a dying monk?

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      ... Yeah she doesn't even know what the trinkets she got off the body are for.

  16. Pretty cut you left without even saying bye to me

  17. living a happy life in Asulon?

  18. I wonder why Denied applicants don't accept my offer to help them over a PM anymore... I think I must be scary now

    1. DrakeHaze


      They are intimidated by your correct grammar :3

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I has no correct grammar

    3. Tee-Tree


      You helped me get accepted

  19. I have healthy sleeping habits... *looks at the clock, noticiing she's stayed awake into the next day again* Okay maybe not sometimes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Sleeps overrated anyway

    3. V0idsoldier


      I literally have a broken schedule =( I am awake at 7 pm and I am still awake at 10 am now XD, gunna try to make it till late tonight to sleep and get back on schedule

    4. danic


      Wait, you actually SLEEP?

  20. anyone else ever run into a block when it comes to your character progressions? I do.

    1. V0idsoldier


      All the time sadly.

    2. Bangi


      Sometimes I want to kill him because I don't get anywhere with it.

  21. wishing I could have DayZ

    1. ShadowoKing


      Not the only one

  22. blerg can't be bothered finishing the last 2 apps while I'm at school.

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