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Twilight Druid

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Status Updates posted by Twilight Druid

  1. just spent 20 mins trying to have a discussion with Respiren before figuring out he's an NPC... well I guess that's good to have NPC's that seem lifelike ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      and druids are ment to be peaceful

    3. danic


      We are! We are also usually criminally insane:)

    4. Alec


      I've done this with Hempshine. I went on for a good 15 minutes wondering why he went AFK. Haha!

  2. To the gauntelt ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. potoes6


      Where is the boat?

    3. Lykos
    4. Maximas1211


      Hm...So tempting, AGH might do it with some friends.

  3. hearing stories of very bad people with Va's...need a spring cleaning of evil people?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. atticusmas


      XD What i mean by Bad=Bad at rp/boring.

      Bad. Bad. :3

    3. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      yeaha that bad :3

    4. atticusmas
  4. talking about things being to mainstream, swimming in water have to now swim in air.

  5. I'm thinking the Mori wanted some translator... why did they grab a 8 year old?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lirinya
    3. Pnoynoy
    4. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I will nick your facepaints and make your ppictures better

  6. I want to be friends with everyone send me a PM :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lym


      *feels like he's being talked to, after all he was the one who gave her the title* ^^

    3. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I talk to everyone :3

    4. Auvreaeath


      This is how I feel

  7. just watched someone run past with my Ariana skin on...

    1. danic
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      one of my child alt characters skin was being used by someone

    3. Braxis


      o.o Just gonna make it Harder when Icarus sends me the Rp letter of what Ariana looks like and were to pick up the child >,>

  8. No I'm playing Liri's child :P

  9. remember kids don't be shy to RP with new people :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      Expand your RP horizon!!!

    3. danic



    4. Praetor


      Xenophobia works agaisnt it.

  10. who would want to make childs clothes?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight Druid
    3. Nononymous


      Oh, I was thinking you meant... Whatever, I'll do it.

    4. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Ha I'll send you a pm then

  11. found out that random pumpkins in Elandriel are severed heads by the Mori... that means there were 2 heads left on my bed....

    1. Nononymous


      It's scarier when you find one in your garden. Imagine, if they are severed heads, the dead are rising...

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      well I've got them stored in my food chest ....

  12. just realized I haven't had an interesting RP sesh because I haven't seen Elnir and the druids are sitting around waiting.... must find the most dangerous situiation to throw myself into or tread on someones toes

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Twilight Druid
    3. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      :3 just tried breaking into a friends house with a twig.

    4. Praetor


      What you need is Issbaner to save your RP :3

  13. I got a my own account!!.... does this mean I have to make another App?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I have Liri hasn't answered me though (

    3. ShadowoKing


      give it time or ask Native.

    4. Zeddicus Fyren

      Zeddicus Fyren

      What is it called?

  14. why do people actively search for magic?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      have any been found yet?

    3. LuigiNova


      I believe some have but I reckon it's just rumours

    4. Varstivus


      NOTICE. I don't actually even CARE about the magic system.

  15. A good new Mc name?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I might change my character though

    3. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      do it tommorow goodnight LOTC

    4. Zeddicus Fyren

      Zeddicus Fyren




  16. a stroke of luck found $20 crumpled in my jeans and sracped $10 of coin :3 Time to get my own account. Just got to con my parents into letting the credit card be used and think up a catchy mc name

  17. well BlackBryer has been reclaimed by my friend. I bid you goodbye lotc until I can scrape together enough cents to get my own account

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dante


      You can go to one of those sites where you get credits towards an MC account every time some one clicks the link. I'm sure there are enough who care to do so for your sake :)

    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      ^^ that sounds dodgy

    4. Maximas1211


      I will miss you :{

  18. hide those spell scrolls well GMs

    1. Dante


      Spell scrolls?

    2. Dante


      * reads topic *

      Oh mah gosh

      Oh mah gosh

      Oh mah gosh

  19. My password isn't working :(

    1. Lirinya
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      and I'm not the account owner so I can't change it :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dwarm


      Rp don't pay the bills xD

    3. Praetor


      They do, don't they? A good villain is a guy like Spinz/Zarg, because they make it fun!

    4. Maximas1211


      I'm speechless as well. That's terrible.

  20. just got the thought I should be a more active forum member so I'm not labeled as a Tree Punching druid

    1. Antharin
    2. Yamnothere


      Actually, The irony made me lol' as did what you said.

  21. life sucks :( RIP Maeghan

    1. Auvreaeath


      I randomly saw this and felt sad.. :(

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