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About KentuckyFriedCreeper

  • Birthday April 14

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  1. Why does no one seem to be playing dirty thieving criminals anymore, I mean, where's the appeal in playig a guy that actually likes helping people for free?

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    2. Neri


      because killing people is easier, you have to make less effort to RP.

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Well, you need region owner permission to commit arson, and the permission for your victim to steal or vandalize their property. You cannot lockpick a locked chest at all, or steal any of their contents. An unlocked chest you can only steal from, but only like 20% of the valuables. Pickpocket has never worked because the other player has to agree and cooperate which is rare, etc, etc... The rules inhibit practically anything of a thieving nature, or relies too heavily on the cooperation of players who are too immature to understand that misfortune is a part of life. So eather you're a cold blooded killer or a good guy.

    4. Neri


      - owners will often allow arson if you actually have a reason to do it except for "im crazy" or "for the lolz"

      - you can pick locked chests using a lockpick or forcing the lock if you roll properly, but you have to specify what you want to steal (a big WTF if you ask me)

      - unlocked chests are fair game, you can take 100% of the contents, also applies to locked chests you can access

      -pickpocketing relies on others yes. I usually always let people pickpocket me if they put in effort.

      I admit the rules are a little restrictive, but at this point, I would literally THROW my minas at anything that isn't 3-2-1 pvp cold-blooded murder banditry which i'm sick of.

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