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Status Updates posted by Lego XBOX

  1. MINECON LOTC! I'll be checking up in the Minecraft Meetups area ever pair hour (10-12-14...). Wearing a MUST *mustache* HAVE shirt.

    1. Shadeleaf


      Get Screenshots, I mean pictures...


    1. gingernut97


      I love you for this.

    2. Lego XBOX
    3. gingernut97


      Next Minecon: Print off a load of LOTC business cards, throw them everywhere, more members, ????, profit.

  3. My video review:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      Of course the part of the video that I'm on is me sneaking, staring at a old man

    3. Fabby


      You dont sound like a big scary

      black armored guy,,,

    4. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I can sound like the big black armored guy, but Goroth is not supposed to be scary...

  4. Need to write up my VA bio... eugh...

    1. gingernut97


      Thinking about doing a VA for Merkel...bit depressed that I'm going to have to rewrite his bio to suit his features he had when I entered him in which I never really fully explained when I joined :L

  5. New avatar picture! Yay~

  6. Non LOTC Screenshot of the Day: http://imgur.com/mFcq5

    1. everblue2er101


      I want that chicken.

    2. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I get to pet it.

    3. everblue2er101


      You should wait til it lays eggs.

  7. Nope, I'm not, check my profile picture?

  8. Not a couple days ago, I had 50 reputation, now 71. Seems Legit...

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      People just generally like you and your opinions?

    2. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I think it is the Star Wars forum RP I posted. About 14+ from that.

    1. shiftnative


      +1,000,000 - thank Lego here for making the homepage 200x more lively

  9. Off to sleepiness land~

  10. Off to Spain for a month! Barely any internet so I shall see you all again when I return, baii!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DruinsBane


      Adios amego! Wait wrong country, vonswa? Oh well... toodles have a nice time.

    3. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Dance! Cha cha n stuff.

  11. Oi, what ya doing with my name! IMPOSTOR!

  12. Overlord Haelphon is away and unable to upload the LotC Report, sorry for the late release, it should be up sometime later today.

  13. Protip: Kill an orc after luring it into your bed and its taken its armor off.

    1. gingernut97


      How does one seduce an Orc into doing this if they are male

    2. DrakeHaze.


      Just find Zogtar.

    3. Free The Hobbits
  14. Random server of Asulon is up... its not Asulon though...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Its the server we play on... but its not Asulon...

    3. gingernut97


      *narrows eyes* Sorcery!

    4. Amorphbutt


      Burn them! Put fake noses on them, and a fake witch hat!

  15. Randomly applies for MechWarriorOnline, gets closed beta access the same day. Seems Legit.

  16. Server is down, I missed when it went down, anybody got something to say about it?

    1. Birdwhisperer


      Works fine for me.

    2. Roy Mustang

      Roy Mustang

      just got on as well to test i did hawks awesome modpack right

    3. Agent Miller
  17. Server is up, but can't join without crashing, quaint...

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Have you tried shoving it up your bum?

    2. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Hahaha... No.

    3. balluffip


      Well you're lucky, I have a horrible laptop that can't even handle minecraft and I'm at a cafe using their HORRIBLE internet. Hurricane Sandy sucks...

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