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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Bawd

  1. Dat Kha app from April that I'm only going to use now.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Yay! Reman + Kha' = Win

  2. DDoSers are bad people. I don't like bad people.

  3. Death is nothing to us; for that which has been dissolved into its elements experiences no sensations, and that which has no sensation is nothing to us.

    1. Zeedus


      What is this death of which you speak? Whenever I fall over, I just appear in the temple.

    2. Bawd


      shhhh epicureanism

  4. Did a fitness test in P.E. today. Didn't die. Can I have a parade?

  5. Did the server crash?

  6. Dislike metagaming, even in its mild forms? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/69536-remove-the-nobody-hears-you/ Want to see some interesting roleplay stemming from Ogre and Troll lore? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/69895-groupmonster-the-huuneteklat-ogre-and-troll-lore/ (Shameless Self Advertising Level: 110%)

  7. Does anyone else's MC client crash upon trying to join the server?

  8. Does anyone know how I get a wiki invitation code?

  9. Does anyone know when I'll get whitelisted?

    1. Eledyr


      if you get accepted on the server.

      It can take some time untill the Gm's whitelist you in the meantime be patient

  10. Don't forget - Völisévil is the real dark lord of Mordor.

    1. Samoblivion


      *Hums the Mordor theme*

  11. Don't have photoshop any more, Tav. The most I could do would be something similar to my signature.

  12. Downloading Empire: Total War from Steam at 9MB/s. Fibre optic ftw.

  13. Downloading GW2. I'll find you, Issy and Dilara.

    1. Hobolympic


      Enjoy, 'tis epic

    2. Gobb'Mar


      Join Desolation and add me :3 (Grim Blackdagger)

    3. Gobb'Mar
  14. Downloading LoL.

    1. Anderssn


      Excellent... >:D

  15. Dwarves are cool kids.

    1. Anderssn


      Cool, but not kids.


  16. Elandriel is so empty... Need food... And Druids...

  17. Eru Volúvatar, creator of Middle-Forums.

    1. Goldd


      The Valar and Melkor, shapers of the Middle-Forum ;)

  18. Estimated 370 GBP for a new video card, 4GB RAM and an Intel i5 processer. Why must I have so little money?

  19. Every time I launch MC, it runs fine for a while, then it starts using 3x its allocated RAM and lags horribly. Anyone know how to fix? .w.

    1. TornadoWatch


      Try allocating more ram.

  20. Every time the server goes down, a small part of me dies.

  21. Ew, a Southerner!

  22. Fix the server, Dgco. I'll give you a cookie.

    1. Goldd


      I will give you two cookies, if you fix the server in 2 minutes.

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