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Status Updates posted by Rhogar

  1. ^.Favorite Administrator..He's even got the beard for it!.^

  2. @Grimreaper98: I didnt use hacks, I was banned for not reporting them. ((I cant blame my brother, I read the appeal rules.)) And lieing to a GM. ((Still cant blame.

    1. ScreamingDingo


      That's probably why you were perma banned ._.

    2. Trouvo


      You knowingly broke the rules and lied about it, if anything that is worse than the people who actually broke the rules

    3. Rhogar


      Yes, Its pretty bad. But its not worse then actually hacking.

      Frankly it should be my brother to be banned, Not me AND him.

  3. A very helpful Forum moderator.

  4. Again! It went up again! amazing :D

  5. All I am doing right now, Is waiting for a reply, Ive been camping out for days! :p

  6. Am I aloud to post a Teamspeak appeal when my server ban appeal is still up? Someone answer please..

    1. shiftnative


      The thing is, you were covering up your friends in their ban appeals. Lieing to GM's and players saying they weren't actually Hacking.. When they were.

    2. Rhogar


      I'm not going to blame my brother, Mainly because I practically memorized the appeal rules. :p

  7. An apology to The administrators of LOTC, Sorry I lied To almost all of you, And that I covered for illegal players.

  8. anybody got any words of encouragement? Still banned..Really miss this server. But ive been in the lands of calsky to occupy my time.

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Take a lot of time, think about what you've done, and make a legit apology! :)

    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Take a lot of time, think about what you've done, and make a legit apology! :)

    3. ScreamingDingo


      Guess What... Hacks=Perma ban and no appeal..

  9. Atleast I can stay active on the forums! Is there anyway to get unbanned from the teamspeak? I got banned for bothering Respiren so much, Which I already apologized for..Is there like, A certain area to appeal for the Teamspeak?

    1. Hiebe


      Just do a ban appeal

    2. Rhogar


      Alright, Maybe after I get unbanned.

      that is if someone like Lirinya or Freya, Or someone nice Would view my appeals.

  10. Awaiting a response from Native, I like getting responses from admins, It makes me feel payed attention to. :]

  11. Banned for taking Native's Grape juice.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rhogar


      I just wanted grape juice! Im sorry! I will never do it again! T_T!


    3. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
    4. Eleatic


      WHY U TAKE THE GRAPE JUICE * Sees hill giant native * NOOOO D:

  12. Check out my new sig. :)

    1. Rhogar


      Very optimistic huh?

    2. Thu'um


      AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! You're really annoying.

  13. Denied again! T_T

  14. Denied again..I wish I could actually speak real-time with Respiren, But noone can even send him a PM because his box is full.

  15. Denied..Again? Are you serious?! ....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Brent


      Write a 5 paragraph essay explaining why what you did was wrong, a 3 paragraph essay on how you think you will improve, and then you'll have a chance ;)

    3. Brent


      Write a 5 paragraph essay explaining why what you did was wrong, a 3 paragraph essay on how you think you will improve, and then you'll have a chance ;)

    4. Rhogar


      Well, I suppoose I will give it a try. :p

  16. Does anyone know how to put the little "Spoiler" Button on Sig's?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 0000


      Don't think anyone mentioned this yet, but I believe it's


    3. Rhogar


      Thanks, Very helpful.

    4. 0000


      No problem. I take all the credit. >:D

  17. Does anyone know someone who could make me an animation of my skin swining his axe or sword?

  18. Does anyone know what OldHat means on the forums?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. awesumninja123


      +1 month on server

    3. Rhogar


      Does someone have to assign it or is it automatic?

    4. craotor


      Should be 5 months imo

  19. Eh, Maybe about 2 weeks.

  20. Everyone who writes an appeal should read this first: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/44650-ban-reports-appeals/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rhogar


      It was well written, It may have taught me some things to.

      And Im kind of a veteran of ban appeals. :D

    3. Cappy


      ...I have noticed :)

    4. Rhogar


      Sadly, Alot of people have. :D

  21. Finished writing an essay suggested by Brent..I worked pretty hard on it..Im kind of proud. :)

  22. Go marine corps! :D

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