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Everything posted by BKStein

  1. Sorry I haven't been on, hunkering down for exams, currently a bit behind schedule

  2. Really, really need to go out... Need a huge night to compensate for this revision shite :/

  3. Things are looking up for Ralph Mance... Yeeeeeaah buddy

  4. App-team application submitted... Fingers will remain crossed as I head off to bed. Night

    1. 0000


      Good luck man~

    2. EmeraldStag


      good luck, it's gonna be a while, it is backed since febuary 2nd

  5. I swear Warwick was tailor made for my playstyle... Carry every game FTW

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Warwick OP

      Now, Xin Zhou...

    3. Ursolon


      AP Lanewick.


    4. BKStein


      MehruneStein, add me and I shall show you the power of my deathcap solomid teemo! Ahuehuehuehue

  6. Back on the internets after a much needed detox period... Game on.

  7. Will be away on study holiday for the next week. Shame it has to be on a week where so much is going on .-.

  8. Let's complain about the lack of RP on the server! Oh, wait, a huge event creating RP has been created, solely by the playerbase? Let's complain about that instead! We love complaining!

  9. TSM vs V8 at IPL... No RPing tonight :3

  10. Shout out to Asian girls, let the lights Dim Sum... HARHARHAR

    1. Aislin


      I'm Chinese and what is this?

    2. TRAY


      Drake :)

  11. How have 752 people viewed my profile? Didn't know I was that popular... Or maybe it's cos my own views count :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KarmaDelta




      Stop with this profile view thing before I kill you all >:C

    3. pumpkin_eaters


      I can reset them for you if you want Karma :D

    4. BKStein


      There's my newly found LotC forum E-peen, shattered. Thanks guys :D

  12. Made In Chelsea OHHHH YESSSS

    1. Robin Drake
    2. Taiga


      Chelsea is a typo for China.


    3. BKStein


      I've seen them when I go clubbing! They're even more ridiculous IRL, I absolutely love them :3

  13. Such pettiness is... Disappointing.

  14. It's funny when you're coming in first, but you hope that it lasts... You just hope, that it lasts.

    1. dyehu


      i know what you mean..

    2. BKStein


      Yeah, pretty amazing when lyrics connect like that.

  15. This. Anyone with enough followers should be able to create their own guild. If you're unhappy with the amount of guilds out there, why don't you do something about it in-game? Start some conflicts, mastermind a merger, I don't know... The possibilities are endless. OOC involvement in something that's almost completely player run, such as the guilds, will only harm RP. And the post above me mentions something about a lot of these guilds being full of fake knights... If that is the case (which it is, by the way; knighthood is not something meaningless, but a title bearing rights and responsibilities that was given out by High Nobility and Royalty in recompense for acts of true courage, audacity or chivalry), why are all the governments standing about idly? Surely a campaign to purge Asulon of these fake orders would create some enjoyable RP for everyone involved? The point is, if you're unhappy with something that's going on RP-ly, then do something about it in RP. Imposing an arbitrary limit of 10 guilds is not the solution: RP-wise, what reason can you come up with for justifying that someone can't create his own group of warriors for good, just because there's already one or two already in the game?
  16. Constantly clocking over 900 users online... LotC forums sure are amazing.

    1. Minst


      900 on the forums, almost less than 100 ingame.

    2. Minst


      900 on the forums, almost less than 100 ingame.

  17. Empty Alras? Time for a spot of LoL!

  18. I have to admit I was sold at when I read "6 foot skeleton"; this looks like a great idea, and it's good that kingdoms can choose whether or not to participate. I hope this goes through!
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