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Status Updates posted by greygre

  1. man i love minecraft

  2. ignore everyone

    make a gnome

  3. Which elven nation is generally the most active?

    1. Cobbler


      Really depends what kinda RP you're going for as they each have separate things going for them. In the Vale you'll find RP more geared towards nature, druid, and honestly a bit more day to day, hello neighbor roleplay. Talanor is a mixed bag of races that in my opinion is blooming into more of an elven state focused on magic/philosophy. Haelun’or is more an authoritarian state(this isn't a bad thing) that centers around high elves, science, voidal magics. Current Amathine I don't have a ton of experience in so I'm not the best to describe it, though it's got some great leads @JJosey. Nor'asth is home to your dark elves, though they have a lot of fun rp that happens there. Not the best to describe that either so I'd ask @Creeteabout it.

      As far as activity goes I believe the descending order would be Vale, Haelun’or, Talanor, Nor'asth, Amathine. This is just the list based off of what I see, not an actual indicator of what happens there. For instance this doesn't mean that Haelun’or is better than Amathine in anyway, it's just from what I see day to day. Hope this helps!

    2. Markisstreaming


      tbh at this point it's Haense

  4. Does anybody know if copying books was changed?  I'm trying to copy an original book by placing it in a crafting table with a book & quill, but nothing seems to be happening.

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Has the original book been signed with the /edit plugin? That makes items unuseable in the crafting table.

    2. greygre


      No, the book hasn't been signed with the /edit plugin.  Tested it with another book, just in case, and it also didn't work

  5. LOTC must be on like a massive planet, if all these different continents are on it.

    1. Crevel


      It’s proposed that LotC takes place on a very large disc. On the top side, Aos, is where most of the maps have been. It’s an interesting read. It isn’t accepted yet, although I believe it’s being reworked slightly.


    2. NotEvilAtAll


      lotc exists in hyperbolic space duh

  6. I have a cape for some reason...

    1. Valor777


      Mojang promotion

  7. The servers back up.

  8. And now we wait...

    1. greygre


      Or go play another server that works to.

  9. Anyone else just crash?

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Yeah, Zar-Zar binks accidentally broke it.

    2. greygre


      Not again.

  10. Just got implemented!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kiiztria
    3. monkeypoacher


      run while you still can

    4. Ventusyr


      Don't listen to the negative people here, who are making a terrible first impression of LOTC. Welcome to the server friend :)

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