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Status Replies posted by Αμφίονας

  1. Geez. Can't express an opinion here sometimes without people jumping down your throat...

  2. I must quest and find myself a new avatar.

  3. I must quest and find myself a new avatar.

  4. Can someone tell me any lore masters ?

  5. I don't think I should have done so many SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOTS Last night. What did I miss?!

  6. I wonder who can do the best faces... =^•^= That's mine, what's yours?

  7. Suggestion: Can you make it so that if your MC name is in a screenshot, you are automatically involved in a ban report?

  8. 199th post, hmm, what to make my 200th post on?

  9. 17 PMs already - madness, this is.

  10. I have something to admit, I've never watched Star wars.

  11. Why does this situation remind me of the Blades trying to kill Paarthurnax.

  12. Why does this situation remind me of the Blades trying to kill Paarthurnax.

  13. Panda viewed my profile. o_o

  14. Thank you to all those who supported my VA, now it's ready. :)

  15. Come on people. Blow my head up with any word I do not know. I need to get a better vocabulary.

  16. Come on people. Blow my head up with any word I do not know. I need to get a better vocabulary.

  17. Mogroka stop linking me your Arabic pages on how you will reform the Ottoman Empire

  18. Hey guys, what you up to?

  19. yayfun thinks star wars 1, 2 & 3 were better than 4, 5 & 6. Shun him.

  20. Is it bad that Kyral and Zarovia scare even me, the person who created them?

  21. The server is once again alive!

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