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Status Replies posted by Αμφίονας

  1. Is there anywhere a post stating the full explanation for the change and remake of all our VAs. As to be honest, I'm not all that happy to write over 45.000 words again. 45.000 words of specific personal lore. If you want to hold track of what is good, purge what is bad, but let everyone remake their whole VAs ?


  3. Dryads and Frajurara hit you right in the manhood

  4. So, LotC... What would be your ideal pet?

  5. Might consider creating a questline for some players to follow. Mostly about discovering Cataris' past that is now long forgotten. Such as the fact Eze'kiel Tarus saved his life, perhaps his worst mistake. Would anyone be interested?

  6. Does anyone know how to disable multimessaging in game?

  7. Why does everyone seem so cranky when I try to talk to them? damn v.v

  8. My jungler just said that smite was useless....

  9. And the Meta grows....

  10. Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn. If you haven't watched them, do it. Now. I don't even play Halo and I love them.

  11. Big Bang Theory. Loool.

  12. Hello, again LOTC.

  13. I've come back after a month and I'm still bored with this server. Oh well. *continues her vacation.*

  14. *sigh* Feeling down again.. Thought I'd feel better as time went on, but it hasn't helped much..

  15. Anybody have some stories that my storyteller character who would be around 90ish would be able to tell?

  16. Anybody have some stories that my storyteller character who would be around 90ish would be able to tell?

  17. People really need to realise Minecraft is a game and should be treatest as such. You guys get so serious about stuff that is supposed to be fun.

  18. What do you do when you like a girl who has a boyfriend? Hmmm.... FML!!!!

  19. Suggestions of Two Steps From Hell songs?

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