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Status Replies posted by Delrof

  1. woah, i'm woeful

    1. Delrof


      awww why mate

  2. who are u

    1. Delrof


      <3 I did not mean to offend it's been a long time

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Remember when the left said Trump is dangerous for democracy, well the Huffington Post posted an article arguing that voting for him was a literal thought crime, or hate crime. It is the far left that threatens our society.

  4. When you get rid of a character that you're mostly inactive on but then you start to miss them.. :c

    1. Delrof


      pro tip - don't grow an emotional bond over a lamentation of your own imagination

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. I used to be a man of hate, now I am one with the world.

  6. I just remembered something that happened last Halloween. So my mum made brownies, her brownies are so good, and since I was trying to gain weight I decided I would eat a lot of them. But I didn't want my parents to know for some reason even though neither of my parents would've eaten them anyways, and I would've been the only one taking them. So I took two on a plate and stuffed 5 down my pants. Needless to say it didn't end well for me but my parents never knew.

  7. would I be punished if I were to change my mc name to 'TwoGenders'?

  8. They should make Kha have to fill a CA before making the Char. Most of the people don't know the proper aging line, Basic speech, etc.

    1. Delrof


      And a lot of people roleplay Kha as cute little kittens that people have as pets and its ******* stupid

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. I've sneezed like seven times today.  Please.  Help me.

  10. Interested in playing a golem? Let me know!

  11. *enters hot topic cautiously... flaunting to the cashier about his mineman creature character.

    1. Delrof


      "Yeah so I play this really cool vampire girl on a minecraft roleplay server" 


      the cashier nods quite disinterested

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. constant free Kincaid spam by that one clique was prolly most cringe thing of 2016, thank god it's over

    1. Delrof


      @Hunwald sorry I dont live every breathing minute posting statuses about my mighty characters

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  13. constant free Kincaid spam by that one clique was prolly most cringe thing of 2016, thank god it's over

    1. Delrof


      no the most cringe thing of 2016 is your **** maga irony

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  14. Taking Delrof skin™ commissions for minas once more if anyone is interested (!)

    1. Delrof


      http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/delrof/ this is my PMC, if u wanna request antyhting shoot me a pm


      also no ******* witcher requests I hate that game

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. if you still tht Oren is pushy and super racist you stupid af

    1. Delrof


      Yes v true but zaezaes point is also very valid

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  16. if you still tht Oren is pushy and super racist you stupid af

    1. Delrof


      the racism is merely a shadow of what it used to be, admittedly thing have gotten better (imo) with the police having a more zero bs policy

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  17. if you still tht Oren is pushy and super racist you stupid af

    1. Delrof


      yh Oren was a lot better when it was super racist its turned into some tolerant bs, if people think Oren is racist now they should have been around during the days of Amyas smh

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  18. Free Ketchen!

    1. Delrof


      when you get to such a low point that you have to make a 'free' meme about yourself because nobody else will :/

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. Odachi or Long Sword?

    1. Delrof


      Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword Longsword 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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