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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by steelersfan1221

  1. Panda thanks every one on LOTC for being so kind to her mostly! Panda does not know where she you'll be today with out all of you!

  2. I hear you guys got a new fishing plugin? I may come on and check it out soonish.

  3. My one year anniversary of joining LotC!

  4. Well this sucks

  5. guys im strting a guild tht protects elves and is a good ordr so pm me if u wanna join also i need a base

  6. Internet is broken... Happy birthday to me and I hope to be back soon!

  7. All of the ore's on the map have been removed (If you didn't get that from shoi's server post.) In the mean-time players will have to trade for these precious materials and wait for the multiverse mines ~

  8. Slendermen: Does anyone know if that game is for PC? And is it free?

  9. Hey guys, favorite place in Anthos so far? :3

  10. What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?

  11. Playin' lots o' LoL - Just had a 27-4-9 game as Jayce. :D

  12. Elder Scrolls Question of the day: How many hours have you played Skyrim? :- myself 121 hours.

  13. I will kill you all....slowly

  14. Why is pugsying a permaban?

  15. Elrohir is a boy's name, because in LOTR one of Elrond's son's name is Elrohir, and my current character in LOTC is Elrohir a male.

  16. Anyone live in California? Please someone tell me that this storm will stop :(

  17. What is your ALL-TIME favorite moment that you have had on The Lord of the Craft?

  18. Damn those White Rose! *shakes fist angrily*

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