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Everything posted by seannie

  1. if you want to get as good as me you got to listen to what i listen on the daily 



    1. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      kid's coming in with the heat 

  3. everything is going as planned, the goys know nothing 

  4. someone hit the final blow somehow please

  5. should give the staff some sort of plausible ultimatum or else they wont care and will just continue as they were 

    1. Jonificus


      "do this or we'll.. oh wait nevermind, us players can't do ****."

  6. im not expert and my eyesight isnt so good but i think the dynamap might be needing an update

  7. anyone here ever take the cfat? got mine scheduled on the 5th of july and advises wouldn't be too bad, I already know the basics of what to expect

    1. Taketheshot


      Its not that hard, I stressed over mine, the questions, as you probably already know, range from simple logic to some slightly advanced math. Most of it is to judge that you understand basic ****. At the end of it an officer will take you into his office and tell you whether you passed the basic requirement for your trade. And if you didn't he or she will outline some choices that you did make. Good luck.

    2. seannie


      Many thanks taketheshot. I've already been giving the rundown on that section of things regarding the cfat. Always good to be reaffirmed.

  8. new map should be anthos with heavily modified terrain due to flooding or somthing

    1. Icarnus


      hell yea boi


  9. why r u warclaiming ur own territory?? i am from northern axios treaty organization alliance dont remove
  10. @Gucko



    1. mitto


      no keepy my weewee

  11. is it possible to get an updated dynamap

  12. i dont think this was worth 7k-courlander

  13. im no expert but i dont think these are eligible anymore https://gyazo.com/f165f996f7aa5b9454ff6f8bc9ee47b1

    1. Vaynth


      Looks to me like those were appealed a while ago, and deducted. 

  14. hippity hoppity get off my property dwarves

  15. this pvp is great 




  16. how deep does this rabbit hole go

  17. i wont give 7k minas!

    1. Ducklingator


      are you sure though

  18. Someone was hurt about things that were said within the roleplay section of this post, so in accordance to a FM's suggestion, I shall be editing the post appropriately.
  19. https://soundcloud.com/themesser/tarus-1 “My GOD is smiling at me, Courlander. Can you say the same?” -Adelwen Ruthern to Frederick Staunton-Baden, at the Massacre of Alexandria Scene from the siege of Kraken’s Watch. C. 1567, Jakub MacDonaugh “They dare to murder boys! Children, who had been summoned to the court of their liege lord only to be slain. There is no greater dishonor in this land than to slay those who are defenseless, and this Kingdom has done just that! And over what? Coin? King Joseph has given us no other option. First Courland took my cousin and now they take my nephew. These crimes cannot go unpunished, my lords. Courland must pay for their sins.” Those assembled within the meeting room of Metterden nodded, Lord Vladrick’s words resonating with them. “They claimed to have staunchly anti-imperialistic, and yet they show the same imperialistic tendencies as their Horen predecessors, and all while their petty King pleasures the Emperor in their private quarters,” said the young bannerman Nikolai, his crude language surprising most of those assembled. “They spit on our children, they spit on our heritage, and they spit on our very nature as sons of Horen!” “These race traitors want our land? I plan on giving each of them exactly six feet of it.” The Lord Vladrick would turn to his scribe, Harren. “Send word to everyone that Courland has wronged. I believe it’s time House Staunton reaps what it has sowed.” OOC WARCLAIM Tier Chosen (This cannot be changed after the first warclaim is held): 1 Type of battle: Skirmish Date And Time: Saturday May 20th, 3pm EST, 8pm GMT, 12pm PST. Side A: House Ruthern + Allies Side B: Kingdom of Courland + Allies Location and boundaries: Direct Area: Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location: Terms of Victory VICTORY FOR ATTACKERS- Attacking forces are killed or driven from the field of battle. VICTORY FOR DEFENDERS- Attacking forces are killed or driven from the field of battle. Upon Victory For... Side A: House Ruthern is allowed to proceed with a siege on Vsevograd Side B: House Ruthern cannot launch an offensive attack for 2 weeks Rules: No status switching. All LoTC rules. No golden apples. No one day alts. If a side does not show they forfeit.
  20. all that for seven thousand minas, top tier meme wapples

  21. ppl went in with chain and came out with diamonds, huh

  22. A letter would find its way back to the applicant through some magical means, it bears the seal of House Ruthern, stating the following; "Salutations, Viktor. I do think we have the pleasure of already meeting within Castle Alriczan, I am Adelwen Ruthern. After spending some time evaluating the integrity of your application and that the fact that we've already interacted with one another, I've come to pass your application as ACCEPTED. As you already know your way to Castle Alriczan, I ask you that come forthwith to be initiated into Joren's Host, the basic necessity shall be distributed upon enlisting. I hope to see your continued services to House Ruthern. God speed and safe travels. " Signed, Adelwen Petrovic Alexander Ruthern
  23. Adelwen Petrovic claps his hands together at the deceleration of Joren's Host, "Good good, time to get to work now. It's nice to have an organized bannermen force."
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