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Peter Chivay

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Status Replies posted by Peter Chivay

  1. Kids getting shrekt

  2. Oren against the world as always, baby. :')

  3. Its fun sending traveling sellsmen to find rp items. I love seeing what they bring back to me.

  4. To coincide with Kipps/Steven fixing the war for Humans/Dwarves, can I write an OOC manners code we have to abide by lol so we dont have the OOC hate?

  5. how stupid do you have to be to dig through orc gate and leave evidence, honestly.

  6. Imperial is the greatest race.

  7. People hate dwarfs so much they don't even spell it right smh

  8. There are more boobs on earth than there are women.

  9. White Rose Trivia Question of the Day: Who was the Patron Saint of the Order?

  10. Manlets when will they learn

  11. Sorry for my leave of absence, been extremely busy with my life lately. I should be getting active again real soon, stay frost Oren.

  12. Sorry for my leave of absence, been extremely busy with my life lately. I should be getting active again real soon, stay frost Oren.

  13. Sorry for my leave of absence, been extremely busy with my life lately. I should be getting active again real soon, stay frost Oren.

  14. I'm the designated drinker.

  15. 10:23:44> "[fire] AMERICAN_PATRIOT1776": aislin i will pay you 5 rep points to remove that post

  16. Fringe belongs to Oren!

  17. It's been raining literally for three days straight. And before that it was blazing sunshine and 85 degree weather. Welcome to the south.

  18. Orcs 1 : Humans 12

  19. Orcs 1 : Humans 12

  20. id rather have new players that suck at roleplaying than veteran players with elitist attitudes m8

  21. For all you HS seniors about to move out, here's a great piece of advice: buy a slow-cooker/crock pot. Cooking has never been easier.

  22. Can someone bring me up to speed on what happened to Anthos, and what the Fringe is?

  23. Who knows what House Reyne is?

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