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Peter Chivay

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Status Replies posted by Peter Chivay

  1. Bye all you beautiful people. I'm off to Deaf Camp.

  2. So uh... hi. Totally didn't vanish for a few weeks.

  3. People really are right when they say the OOC conflict on LOTC has escalated. At this point it reminds me of a high school with teenage cliques throwing insults and immature jabs at each other. Can we just get along, please?

  4. remind me to vote more

  5. 1997 posts :/ So close.......

  6. Panda destroyed a door frame by smacking it repeatedly with a steel couch all by herself. 0w0 STERRRROOOOOIIIDDDSSSSS!!!!

  7. B*tches, use your apostrophes and commas. They're vital for healthy emotes.

  8. Warclaims? What ever happened to them?

  9. Apparently it didn't get out why I left >.> I never quit, just had to leave for an extended period of time on a rugby tour through Europe.


  11. the heck is up with all these weird status updates?

  12. the heck is up with all these weird status updates?

  13. Someone once told me Kais is just an Eastern Inspired version of Tywin Lannister XD

  14. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86955-pandas-ban-appeal-bananapealia/ There are interesting stories in the screenshots if any one likes interesting stories. Also torture of little girls! YEAH!
  15. Boiendl is curious why Panda only uses 3rd person. Boiendl finds it annoying to read at times

  16. ...Just Shift sneaked pass the white roses, because they were talking to a child. I AM NINJA

  17. Roughly 90 Adunian characters loyal to Lachlan

  18. There's a rollercoaster in Oren, I dont' even know lol

  19. Been inactive lately, won't be back really till Monday

  20. Master Undead Subudai Horse Archer Horde with Enchanted Bows Power III, Punch III

  21. Why do people bring such serious manners into the holy domain of off-topic? It is meant for general discussion and what not...

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