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Peter Chivay

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Status Replies posted by Peter Chivay

  1. Snow in new york expected to reach at most 2 feet. RIP my sanity, or at least my arms from too much lifting.

  2. Need 20 more double chests of logs until I can Angelic woodworking. Woo

  3. Need 20 more double chests of logs until I can Angelic woodworking. Woo

  4. i really dont have a status to update so ye lets juts pretend?

  5. Wait why do the Kha get a floating island..?

  6. RT if you like dank memes

  7. Is this the type of Lore that we should expect now? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dagothagahnim/journey-of-the-black-rose/?ref=kicktraq Quality stuff right their.

  8. bow down to smurgla

  9. i just logged into a warzone wtf is happening

  10. i just logged into a warzone wtf is happening

  11. All my banter gets removed. I don't like Facist Athera, give me communist Asulon.

  12. i done a good hand spin hehe =D

  13. It's sad when you can't even find the war rules these days lol

  14. It's sad when you can't even find the war rules these days lol

  15. For the love of--... Please guys- dont upvote on a ban report.

  16. im not allowed to use the word cock in character anymore................................

  17. im not allowed to use the word cock in character anymore................................

  18. im not allowed to use the word cock in character anymore................................

  19. No rudeness intended... but I got a feeling I need to start keeping a tally for how many men seem to fall in love at first sight with my human. Heh. Heh.

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