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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Jonificus

  1. Mithius reads over the application, nodding. He takes the quill and writes in fine calligraphy on the paper before sending it back off to the applicant "Welcome to the Black Hand, Timothy. -The Elder Council" (Will add you on skype soon) -
  2. A hawk accidentally drops a parchment into an Abresi alleyway, Mithius takes note of this and reads over the paper "The Red Tide's gone, eh?" he nods and whistles for a street kid "Hey kiddo, I'll give ya 20 minas if you round up as many Red Tide folks you can find and get them here, alright? Tell them I got a sweet deal for 'em." The kid skips off and as the hours pass by, and some men show up "here's the deal, boys. I need men and you need work, yah? I'll leave you with the math." Mithius drops some Black Hand phamplets and walks off, leaving the former gang members to do what they want with the phamplets. "Take this as our peace offering!" he calls out as he's walking out of the alley
  3. A hooded figure rides through every settlement in Anthos except from the North, spreading the word of the black hand to thugs and ruffians.
  4. Ukhozi Ophete approves.
  5. MC NAME: jonhan2 DJIAN NAME: Ukhozi Ophete PROFESSION: Kwesibili Ophete BACKGROUND: Ukhozi is the oldest son of Bahal. Ukhozi is a kindhearted man who only wants the best for his people, he wears extravagant clothing but has no issues giving them away to those who'd need it more. Although born into the role of Ophete he is not an amazing leader, he has issues with talking infront of the masses and can be too kind, making him somewhat of a bad negotiator as well. Ukhozi was given his name after the all-seeing falcon, a creature roaming the skies yet not taking his eyes off the ones below, just like the man he grew up to be. Dis gon b gud.
  6. Mithius sticks a note on top of the hooded figure's note "It can be arranged if you prove yourself worthy."
  7. A member in a white mask walks from town to town, seemingly dropping notes from under his long robes. "The Black Hand is recruiting, join us if you are looking for kinship and power. -Elder of the Black Hand."
  8. Mithius walks into Abresi with a stack of posters, going door to door slipping posters under them
  9. ((IC Info)) Name: Mithius Telvron Age: 138 Class you wish to teach (if not on the list, put the title of the new class): Trade and economy Description of the class(If you are wanting to teach a new class): N/A How much experience do you have in the subject: Been working in the field for at least 100 years Why do you want to be a teacher at this school: I wish to teach hopeful merchants and traders how to survive the competition filled market and how to succeed in it. ((OOC Info)) Username: jonhan2
  10. Børkin' all børk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hobolympic



    3. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-


    4. 3VN


      Dat børk tho, I prefer Bærk but it's okay.

  11. A hooded member wanders around from town to town, hanging up more posters
  12. OOC: MCname: jonhan2 Skype Name: jonas,hansen (profile picture of Baron Samedi/ a guy with facial paint of a skull, smoking a cigar. So many skype accounts with the same name so felt the need to provide a bit more info) Villian Application Link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/103116-jonhan2-account-va/ http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/103277-jonhan2s-first-mini-app/ and evils accepted: 1c, 2a, 2c, 4. Timezone: gmt +1 Norway IC Race: Dark elf Name: Mithius "The Shadow Man" Telvron Age: 137 Gender: Male A brief description of yourself: Mithius has a thick jamaican accent and a deep voice. Due to parental negligence as a child he has formed a strong relationship with material needs such as money which has made him into the power hungry man he is today. Mithius is a manipulative, selfish, cold hearted, analytic man who's moral compass is shut off whenever he is doing something that benefits him, and that's another thing, all (or at least most) of his actions are done to benefit him in one way or another. Mithius also has a strong belief in voodoo or as he calls it Vaudou, so he is a rather occult and superstitious man, thinking all that happens around him wether it being bad or good is an act of the spirits or Loa. Magic posession? No.
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