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Everything posted by Tee-Tree

  1. Has herobrine ever came on this server

    1. Neri


      If he did, he didn't leave anyone to tell the tale...

    2. Kye


      Hint hint: Vaq.... We need Herobrine mod, Or you create your own person.

  2. Whats the new update

    1. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      Shopping plugin and more physics I think

  3. Wow I put 26 diamonds for 1 person in a chest with realshop on. When I get back diamonds gone realshop disabled no minas recived

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neutonic


      You need to do /rshop buy first or they can take them for free

    3. ayresalex
    4. Tee-Tree


      I did all that. Real shop was disabled

  4. How do you get VIP titles

    1. BannanaToYou


      You donate threw Buycraft, look on the main website.

  5. Whats better gold armor or diamond armor

    1. Nononymous


      Not sure, depends. I am pretty sure Gold reduces damage more but diamond lasts longer.

    2. Raptorious


      Gold is worse than chainmail unless you have high wrestling. Thats what I heard.

    3. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      If you have a choice, go with Diamond. For armor, unlike weapons, its worth it.

  6. that amazing moment when you get a double drop on diamonds

  7. Whats up with diamonds. I can break them at 61 % of reciving and I get gold easyer and its 22% of breaking

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tee-Tree
    3. Cappy


      Welcome to the world of mining, enjoy your stay. The chances have been broken for a looong time, at level 100 mining I'm lucky to get gold/diamonds 20% of the time... At least, last time I checked.

    4. Swgrclan


      Use TnT for mining.

  8. What happened to all the dwarfs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Admiral_Ackbarf


      What do you mean?

    3. Tee-Tree


      I cant find any

    4. Admiral_Ackbarf


      You need to find mount Ire. In character

  9. Im selling a variety of items in Glenwood

  10. I'm staying in Glenwood till Enismor is ready

  11. Gonna game out today. No school!!!

  12. How did I get 50 extra skill levels

  13. Whats up guys loged in from a school computer. Shhhhh my teachers dont know

  14. Where is malinor??

    1. 0000


      It's pretty much any Elven kingdom.

    2. 0000


      Exactly where they are, you need to find out in game, not OOC.

  15. I cant seem to get the mini map how do you get it

    1. Skippy


      download hawk's modpack - it has it with it

  16. Who's the owner of bowshire

  17. Does anyone know how I can be able to kill people so I can earn money for buntys and stuff

    1. Thrym


      Villain App

  18. Finaly accepted into lotc!!!! Can somone give me some help now on how I can get on

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tee-Tree


      what about the hompe page of LotC

    3. FORƎST


      It means that you gotta wait for a GM to whitelist you.

    4. 0000



  19. wait on my computer it says 7:52 i was supposed to submit at 7:08 or later but it says I submitted at 6:52 WTF its 7:52

  20. im so nevous I just submitted it

  21. wish me luck here goes nothing

  22. well after the person replys to the message i just sent ill fix up application and hope for the best. If I dont get accepted it'll suck becuase I spent so long on the application

  23. Does this server use mods or are they plugins

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