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Status Replies posted by Tee-Tree

  1. Roughly 90 Adunian characters loyal to Lachlan

  2. Secret zombie and skeleton horses hidden in the 1.6 update o.O http://gyazo.com/909d864e5532c2cc4d4d5de32e275935

  3. Roughly 90 Adunian characters loyal to Lachlan

  4. My HighElf swag almost got me into a brawl.

  5. What is a good amount of time irl to age a character for a year?

  6. What is a good amount of time irl to age a character for a year?

  7. It appears that I am in need of some hugs. Does anyone have some hugs to spare?

  8. Master Undead Subudai Horse Archer Horde with Enchanted Bows Power III, Punch III

  9. I used to be a legendary hero like you, but then I took an arrow in the heel.

  10. Why do people expect me to perma my character? I got msgs saying how I never have items or I never perma

  11. Why do people expect me to perma my character? I got msgs saying how I never have items or I never perma

  12. Few thousand word essay, presentation on friday, have to make up my own island. Goddamnit, this week sucks. Oh, and I canceled the flight on a thing that has taken me 5+ hours to making in KSP. F me so hard.

  13. Why do people expect me to perma my character? I got msgs saying how I never have items or I never perma

  14. Finally decided that I needed to start a guild, Didn't really want to but felt I had too

  15. How does one make an assassination RP enjoyable?

    1. Tee-Tree


      You give the opponent a chance, Such as *Shakes as he points the Crossbow at him*

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  16. Killcount for the Party...3. Awh yeah.

  17. Woah. That was intense..And exciting!

  18. -Diabolically laugh's at his plan-

  19. I'm starting to question what I got myself into

  20. 'Sometimes to go forward, You must take 2 steps back"

  21. Holy crap I think some of The high tower men just tried to kill me...... Escaped into the tree's then ran for my life..... Yeah, bring 20 men when Im alone in the city building.... -_-

    1. Tee-Tree


      Didn't your mother ever tell you not to invite yourself over??

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. Holy crap I think some of The high tower men just tried to kill me...... Escaped into the tree's then ran for my life..... Yeah, bring 20 men when Im alone in the city building.... -_-

    1. Tee-Tree


      I would of gotten away, I was already at cloud temple when I did

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. Holy crap I think some of The high tower men just tried to kill me...... Escaped into the tree's then ran for my life..... Yeah, bring 20 men when Im alone in the city building.... -_-

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