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Status Replies posted by Tee-Tree

  1. It appears Oren is getting screwed with.

  2. Everybody's working for the weekend!

  3. It appears the economy has completely and absolutely crashed...

  4. It appears the economy has completely and absolutely crashed...

    1. Tee-Tree


      Looks like Thieves might get paid for stealing from a certain group

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. The Va Team seems to be getting slow. o ,o

  6. It appears the economy has completely and absolutely crashed...

    1. Tee-Tree


      I am almost positive someone will abuse this opportunity and make a company themselves

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. that moment when Tehlulu (( my new found arch enemy )) is litterally everywhere

    1. Tee-Tree


      I was trying to avoid all that and would of gotten what I wanted but jojoma11 just had to speak his mind when I specifically told him he was only there to observe.

      p.s, Thorin already agreed to give me land, Aris head will be the center price for my dinner table

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. I want to post on that Strike report so bad but I don't want another warning

    1. Tee-Tree


      Well Honestly, Either I don't listen enough in french class or he is just miss spelling almost the entire Sentence

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Silly when people make leaving posts because they'll be busy. The majority of us will be busy with exams. Get over yourselves.

    1. Tee-Tree


      Even though I don't know the people. I Always feels bad when someone makes a post like that

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. We've lost five members in the last week...Eyebrowraise.

  11. I finally finished my 2nd app. The 1st bio was 3 paragraphs, now its like 9-10 pages. Lol. P.S. I did NOT type "blo" I typed I, like eye... but I can't fix it.

  12. Don't mind us, just a bunch of shirtless dark elves

  13. Never though I could build cool things like everyone else. Somehow the get blocks with these lips and curves. Never was able to do it. Then I realized, the stair block

  14. im really done with this server... only cause i said a bad word and protected myself cause i felt attacked and showed my opinion i get ****... i feel really bullied atm you know

  15. So many new Halflings :D

    1. Tee-Tree


      Even though I have just made my Halfling character I may be slowing the RP on him because of my main character

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. A mini-event is occurring in Lenfarthing, Halflings get on!

  17. First time playing my Halfling in a bit, lotso Halfling RP in Lenfarthing, aah. :D

    1. Tee-Tree


      Just Because you cant handle my swag doesn't mean you can pick on the new guy

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. First time playing my Halfling in a bit, lotso Halfling RP in Lenfarthing, aah. :D

  19. Do you enjoy heavy metal music? Probably not.. HOWEVER! If you happen to enjoy it, I've found a pretty cool band. Check 'em out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv54mix4ANY

  20. In my opinion, House's are the hardest thing to build in minecraft

  21. I was voting diligently before it was profitable.

    1. Tee-Tree


      *Shouts* I love you world! *Checks Wallet* Nothing...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. I was voting diligently before it was profitable.

    1. Tee-Tree


      Yeah, I know I vote today for the heck of it and found out I was paid 100 mina.... *Feels his pockets get a tad heavier* How is the RPly possible

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  23. Does anyone know if it would be possible, given proper rp reasoning, to have a small region made ( just for a house, maybe a small farm), a bit away from a road?

    1. Tee-Tree


      You have to contact who ever owns the lands

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. that moment when no matter what you try, you find nothing but disappointment.

    1. Tee-Tree


      *FacePalm* If this is about Darkhaven, Just give me a week

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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