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Status Replies posted by Tee-Tree

  1. Is there anywhere I can mine without having to lay down mina first?

  2. We seriously need the date plugin back. I don't even know what day it is, nor year, nor month. How can we RP seasons and such if we're constantly having to guess?

  3. Alright I have decided to join the community of LOTC once again I have a few questions first. What is the server Ip. IS the server up to date or is it still in 1.3.2.

  4. Alright I have decided to join the community of LOTC once again I have a few questions first. What is the server Ip. IS the server up to date or is it still in 1.3.2.

  5. They are adding Potatoes and Carrots in minecraft, Golden Carrots and Baked Potatoes and also a add-on , cookinig just got a whole lot better

  6. I had 9k of Minas stored in my chest, because of the deleting of Emeralds and Notes in chests I have 0 money :(

  7. Tell me, how would a new race spread RP? Tell me how without resorting to trivial answers such as spreading RP.

  8. Tell me, how would a new race spread RP? Tell me how without resorting to trivial answers such as spreading RP.

  9. Since when did people start hearing about shields being added into the next patch?

  10. Hey Vaq <_>_> <_>_> <_>_> <_>_> just for me......you should add an Emerald Shield.....with the power of golden shield, but more durability then iron, less then diamond..MKAY? :D

  11. Five people are on a ledge, four decide to jump. How many are left?

  12. Going to Canada tomorrow~ :3

  13. Why do I feel like crap tonight, when I shouldn't be feeling like crap?

  14. I think the universe likes to troll me; I have the teacher I hated last year, she moved up. And Is teaching my homeroom... fuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUuUUUuuuuuu

  15. Mylas isn't a troll.

  16. Mylas isn't a troll.

  17. I feel so embarassed for what I've done.

  18. *Pokes head into LOTC* Hai Guys! Miss me?

  19. Just curious who checks over the app team apps?

  20. Just curious who checks over the app team apps?

  21. Are underwater builds illegal?

  22. Why do I feel a new map would be.. Well, a good change for LoTC. ;p.

  23. Why do I feel a new map would be.. Well, a good change for LoTC. ;p.

  24. So, what would you like to see in the LOTC client if/when we get it?

    1. Tee-Tree


      Cape of invisibility. It's impractical to craft and has to be crafted by a master enchanter.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  25. people... put your dragon cave eggs in your signature dont post it in your status o-o

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