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Status Replies posted by Tee-Tree

  1. I scored two goals in my soccer match, with only sleeping for four hours, I feel rather accomplished right now ^v^

  2. So, what would you like to see in the LOTC client if/when we get it?

  3. Alright kid's before there were horse's people rode on these to get around http://images.lolfly.com/images/338/source/riding_a_pig-230-1.gif *Kid's oooooooh in amazement!*

  4. Someone told me why I'll never join the VAT. I'm too nice.

  5. So, anyone notice anything new :D?

  6. I got accepted. Woot! Woot!

  7. So, anyone notice anything new :D?

  8. Epic patch BRACE YOURSELVES!

  9. I got accepted. Woot! Woot!

  10. Why do kids feel the need to make Youtube videos... Parents need to buy them a Action Man not a Microphone.

  11. Why do kids feel the need to make Youtube videos... Parents need to buy them a Action Man not a Microphone.

  12. Bandages not stacking in chests anymore?

  13. Honestly I realy want bad things to happen in Auslon

  14. Just had some awkward RP with my wife. Yes, she is online. You succeeded.

  15. So asulon was created to replace aegis as a PERMANENT world... So is there a reason we're getting rid of asulon now?

  16. So asulon was created to replace aegis as a PERMANENT world... So is there a reason we're getting rid of asulon now?

  17. Honestly I realy want bad things to happen in Auslon

  18. Everyone should do /money pay yayfunfunfun_6 [amount]

  19. I can show you the world.

  20. I keep facepalming because of how confused I am right now, I know that some form of Guide was made and was delted, and that people are posting statuses about it, so I am just gonna try to wait for an announcement about it to go up.

  21. I'm thinking about opening an orphanage somewhere in Asulon, thoughts?

  22. I'm thinking about opening an orphanage somewhere in Asulon, thoughts?

  23. Ignore the guy that posted these terrible guides and let the staff deal with it. Your status updates only feed the trolls that are doing so.

  24. da fuq did I just read for guide....

  25. Going to troll Nekodanie's island any suggestions

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