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Status Updates posted by Twiddlepop

  1. I think I'm in love with your avatar~

  2. *cracks the whip of work* GO ISSY GO!

  3. My avatar is from tektek.org where you can make Gaia style avatars

  4. Skippy, you inspired me to get a unique avatar. Thank you~

  5. I love your Colonel Meow avatar. He is one glorious cat~

  6. Just want to say I really like your voice; lovely elf intro, great to listen to :)

  7. Ima christmas it the hell up! :]

  8. Alec, I just want to say you're doing an incredible job. Stay strong; there are so many people who are here for you if you need it ^_^

  9. I applaud your boldness, Cataris :3

  10. Cutest. Avatar. Ever.

  11. Happy Birthday Deco~ ;3

  12. You will be sorely missed Alec, thank you for everything you've done~

  13. omfg just because you can't take off the training wheels

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