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Status Replies posted by ek_knight

  1. I forget...how do you become total tophat and fancy fedora?

    1. ek_knight


      Total Tophat: 500 posts and at least one year

      Fancy Fedora: ???

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. Is anyone able to connect to MC?

  3. Log off to change skins - minecraft.net goes down and now can't log on. WHAT IS THIS.

  4. Does anyone have a link to a good downgrades? I was a noob and accidently clicked the update button.

  5. If people dislike my character so much, I'll happily kill him off. There's no need to start spamming me with imature crap.

  6. Gizoogle dat ****, nahmeean?

  7. I got my driver's license! :D

  8. Holy hell half this community is batsh*t insane. o_o You guys are cray cray.

  9. I got a cardboard creeper head for Christmas, my life is complete.

  10. Worst Apocalypse Ever.

  11. Gonne write lore about how the world is flat. #SWAGGY

  12. I doubt it's the end of the world... The earth goes through this cycle every... 10,000 years I think. We just get to be the lucky generation to see it. The only reason that the Mayans stopped writing of their calendar is because they disappeared -_-

  13. Texture Pack Suggestions?

    1. ek_knight


      I use John Smith. It is only 32x so it actually runs on my computer.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Niners beat the Patriots; and we're in the playoffs. So much for the best offense in the league.

    1. ek_knight


      To bad the Pats didn't need a win against the Niners to be in playoffs.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. https://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft 27-30 ? Unacceptable, please vote if you want this server to stay healthy!
  16. Who's pumped for 2.5?

  17. 13 people on.. sad to prove myself wrong when I thought devmode was on ;(

  18. I am tired.....I have 30 mins before going to bed...and nothing to do. Can't watch anime because I would be up all night watching it. can't play games because the same reason....can't review an app for again the same reason...forum rp? No...I got nothing to add at the moment..

  19. I haven't made a status in a while. So there is one. Yay.

  20. Downloading Lol rightnow! Getting excited, its almost done!

  21. I would love to do STUFF. Like, answer the PMs I have, but I can't because of school work. :(

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