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The Hedge Knight

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Status Updates posted by The Hedge Knight


    1. DragoonCrow


      Nah, Greywynn collapsed.

  2. There will come a day when my army rises... And when it does... We shall eat Gemmy's shoes.

    1. poopdoodler


      *raises his fists into the air* "Yep"

    1. Muhammadan


      Glad we could help. :)! -Cyber Police Team

  3. It isn't oft' I sail these rocky seas. But when a moment of such may bless me I take it. I know this will be my last peaceful voyage, as my next will be in means of war... War to eat Gemmy's shoes...

    1. Aislin


      You are ******* hilarious i hope you eat her shoes

  4. The battle shall soon continue.

  5. How goes it? I hope you're all having a good day.

    1. Sir Verigan

      Sir Verigan

      Terrible. I just saw The red wedding on game of thrones.

  6. Does coal VIP no longer grant a slot when the server is full?

    1. Kim


      Judging by that status a few statuses ago, nah, prolly not.

  7. I just lost twenty five fuckin' fish because of this crash. I demand my twenty five fish back. I sat there fishing for an hour for these things. I am so enraged. I require my fish. Fish. I want my darn fish so please return to me my fish or I will begin to kill people.

  8. I don't know who really felt like it was worth it to bust down the door to my shop. But I hope they enjoyed an endless amount of wooden hoes.

  9. Anyone looking for the RPs????

  10. I've been enjoying the new folk I have been meeting on here. I'm very glad I decided to return.

    1. ThumperJack


      Welcome back! Always nice to see returning players!

  11. Five in the morning. It's time to sleep. Bye bye bye bye.

  12. Oh, and we owned all the tools ourselves.
    But not the skills to make a shelf with.
    Oh, what useless tools ourselves!

  13. Sup?

    1. UnusualBrit


      Must I give you a clout behind your ear?

  14. Woah this looks different.

  15. 2:29 AM without LotC is like a PBJ sammich without the jelly...

  16. Far to many fond memories of this game...
  17. I've counted how many times I was injured in this server since I joined in May 13. 19 Different injuries. My first one being the same day I joined. All of these injuries on one character,

  18. Finished the double chest of wooden axes for those new to the server, beginning work on the swords

  19. I keep typing my status wrong and it makes me mad because I redo them then I sit there like "Why?"


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