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Status Replies posted by Nekkore

  1. Doth thou even lift?

  2. "Why does the pope **** in the woods?"

  3. When is 4.0 coming out please give us a set time and date

  4. BTW Sword Art S2 came out yesterday or something

  5. I'm going to stream soon. Should I stream Dark Souls 2, DMC Devil May Cry or Mount and Blade Warband?

  6. Did you know if you type your forum password it will automatically be censored? ************** see!

  7. So... What's new? :)

  8. We don't need brothels, we already have the Whorens.

  9. I don't understand why people wear hoods and masks to hide their identity, one you look creepy, second the guards will come beat you up cause your creepy and then remove your mask like some Scooby-Doo villain. Dress up like a farm or peasent, people trust peasents.

  10. I think Asulon was better than Aegis. There. I said it.

  11. I know I've missed a few things, but did/do we seriously have a location named "Winterfell"?

  12. Well then, you all forgot my birthday yesterday... ;n; *sniff sniff* Tears of weepness.

  13. Finished watching all my current anime. Any suggestions for what anime series I can watch?

  14. Oh my god, I never thought it would happen. I'M IN A LOVE TRIANGLE! ;n;

  15. Oh my god, I never thought it would happen. I'M IN A LOVE TRIANGLE! ;n;

  16. I regret downloading Spotify. So many ads ;_;

  17. Filling out my first application for a job today. Not sure if excited. Also making inside out burgers. Yum.

  18. So uhh, we switching it back to PVP default err what?

  19. Woooo! Andy Murray! Top lad!


  21. Need something to do. Suggestions?

  22. R.I.P. Varlan Gerofe.

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