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Jake the Dog

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Everything posted by Jake the Dog

  1. If anyone finds a full black horse with the Custom name Luna tell me. Some asshat stole it with out me knowing

  2. I'm pissed the **** off right now. Not only did someone steal a stack of iron 1 diamond 10 gold they also stole 2 RP items AND MY ******* HORSE

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Yeah that seems like a bit overboard and beyond the scope of RP villainy. Def /modreq that.

    3. V0idsoldier
    4. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      If you find a horse with the name tag Luna it's mine and nsjja12345 most prob stole it.

  3. Who ever stole my custom horse saddle with no RP at all. You are a prick.

    1. Drazker


      Get a GM. Logblock.

    2. V0idsoldier


      muh items!!! ban!

  4. What colour horses you lot got?

  5. First time tamed a horse So I will not get off till I buy it and get a saddle

  6. School. How it hates me so.

  7. *Reads over the app* "Welcome Azhagal, We will set you up with a uniform and get you a room soon aswell. We do need as much wood, wool and stone as you can get for our new town so that will help too." ((Msg when were both online and i'll take you to our town and get you a link to our uniform))
  8. *More notes are seen on the notice board.* "We have a few houses at the marsh for sale but we still need more White wool, cobble and spruce wood."
  9. *Looks over the app." "Your in Allison we will get you see up with a uniform and a room soon."
  10. *Posts notes about the main houses and on the Notice board* "New town needs supplys, mainly stone, spruce wood, and white wool. Gather as much as you can and deposit them into the chests around town."
  11. You must be black. Cause you stole my heart.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fid


      If ever there was an ambiguous statement... that's it.

    3. Stevie


      That doesn't seem appropriate for the forums...

    4. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      May not seem it but's it's here all the same

  12. *Post's notes over the notice board* "We got land out by the great marshes. Gather supples Stone and Lumber are most needed. We have builders from out the Corridians helping with the town."
  13. *Reads over the note* "Welcome Jab we have already given you the tour and the uniform, we will be doing some training soon so keep a look out for that." ~Jakir Axem
  14. "I can't be your friend." (I don't have a MA)

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      That's okay, Jake. We could just be brussoms instead.

  15. Exams shis gotta learn everything in 3 hours

  16. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood

    1. Free The Hobbits
    2. V0idsoldier


      37? 37 WOODS!? 37 WOODS!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

    3. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog


  17. Bacon pancakes is a good life style

  18. ((Yeah sure it's just that all the rooms have been expanded and will have to get you a new one))
  19. ((Got promoted to Celest by Kralek for getting Ellie and Jib to join.))
  20. Application ((MC name)) jakesassy40 ((Time Zone)) 0+ GMT ((Activity, Amount of time spent on)) About 2-3 hours a day (Half term coming up so 5-6) Name: Jakir Axem Age: 29 Gender: Male Race: Human Tell us who you are: Lumberjack looking to help protect his friends. Skills: Good with a axe Slight combat skill Why do you seek to join us?: Dredor Erodius told me about you and got me to join needing all the help I can get to protect my friends (IC) Do you agree to the Honor Code?: That I do
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