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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Replies posted by Kaiser

  1. It's wierd, but I don't really wanna RP today. O_O

  2. LOTC is much better than trying to Rp with testificates...

  3. Trying to find native -_- its like playing "wheres waldo" with a world wide map...

  4. I just fell out of the world >:O

  5. I'm considering making an alt. An annoying little goblin named Krugbit. :3

  6. One dos not simply, BUY Arma II CO.

  7. Get's on TS trying to find someone to talk to. Joins the Aeroch Nor channel. A hater wants me to leave.

  8. Why does DayZ have to cost so much... T_T

  9. I just spent an hour talking to this thing: http://cleverbot.com/

  10. Um... is it an awkward sign when you go into your room and your male cat is laying on your bed, showing off his genitils, (can't spell that) and looking up at you? ... I have to admit I'm a little creeped out.

  11. why are these names on peoples profiles? Like Bob-DEAD Joe-DEAD Carl-MISSING Dan-ALIVE

  12. why are these names on peoples profiles? Like Bob-DEAD Joe-DEAD Carl-MISSING Dan-ALIVE

  13. It's moments like this that Kali really misses Alexander...

  14. Wow. More hate on Mogroka? This is bull-crap. He puts so much work into the server, that you seem to slide on by. Grow up, and treat people with respect.

  15. People only get known for the bad things they do, people that are deemed "PvP Happy" are actually some of the best role-players on the server. GMs who are known for being bad to some actually work their ass of to be known by only a few mistakes. Next time someone makes a small mistake, take into consideration what they mean to the community and what they effect.

  16. I spend more time on the forums then I do In-game...

  17. Maybe another Roleplaying server is jelous and is DOSing LOTC

  18. They're making and assassin's creed movie... oh gawd... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2094766/

  19. I'm so alone, some one roleplay with me :'(

  20. I'm so alone, some one roleplay with me :'(

  21. Writing Varivik Lore while listening to Sade... Weird mix, but its legit! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=wr4TyLoogZs

  22. Call it OCD or being a perfectionist but damn, when I post I spend the next hour touching it up so everything "sits right" on the eye... urghhhh.

  23. Anyone know were I can a get a signature?

  24. >get attacked by a bandit that asks for twenty five minas, give him way more than that and a new weapon to boot >Will Forestin for ya

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