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  1. Morthar is doing great :) Glad to be back into the RP swing

    1. K00l


      D: I had to switch mc accounts because OOC reasons. No gms or admins have replied to forum messages and my posts have been ignored by people who can help.

  2. I wish I could build an amazing house and a tavern to do business in and finially get some RP, but my character is a 15 year old girl so she'd need her fathers help, but he's not on :C

    1. Tristan_P


      I think I might get the owner of the town to build a tavern for me on behalf of the bedevere's

    2. aron.


      Sorry I can't be online to help :l I'll probably be on by this next friday, and we can make this tavern. 'til then, just follow random people from oren around. It'll offer up some pretty unique rp

  3. I'm now RP-ing as Syo Bedevere, a 15 year old girl, interesting RP, I have to say.

  4. Hey guys, all that stuff is cleared up now!

  5. Somebody help me... I'm afriad of what I'm going to do to myself.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Hey, if you need to talk I'm here!

    3. rukio


      ...If you mean what I think you mean, call a hotline for that stuff, they'll be able to help you better then people here will. Yet, I will say you are free to PM me if you would like to discuss your problems with me.

    4. rukio


      ...If you mean what I think you mean, call a hotline for that stuff, they'll be able to help you better then people here will. Yet, I will say you are free to PM me if you would like to discuss your problems with me.

  6. So much tears, i could make a river. i wish I had some wood to build a boat.

  7. I've never cried so much.

  8. Won't be on the server tonight, toooo tired. T_T

  9. Servers up!

    1. ΩMercenΩ
    2. Gemmylou


      trist... so slow...

    3. Austin


      little late, but grande efort

  10. As sad as the DDOS makes me, it gives me more time to play STARCRAFT2222222222222

    1. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Starcraft has that many versions already? Wow...

    2. Tristan_P


      WoW has that many versions already? WoW!

      Had to do it :P

    3. Jay Lenos

      Jay Lenos

      I remember playing that like 3 years ago.

  11. Syo Bedevere, What an awesome name.

    1. ski_king3


      Aron and Wocket's child?

  12. That awkward moment when you're new character is going to be birthed today and the server is down T_T

    1. Kaiser
    2. TheRealKiru


      Nope. It'd be more like time itself in the world paused, but when the server comes back up, time resumes and nobody knows.

  13. People ask what happened to Amber, I don't know honestly, she just left and died, I lost interest.

  14. If only there was a steampunk society in LOTC, because I could use my character from that...

    1. Wizard


      I tried to ask Availer about something like that, but he did not respond.

    2. Jchizz


      What happened to Amber?

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