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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Replies posted by Kaiser

  1. What's wrong with some good old PVP? Sure, RP fighting 1vs1 or 2vs2 is AMAZING but, we have a skill system set up to make PVPing(along with many other things) fair and interesting, why not use it?

  2. ima make my first ban report!

  3. Oh gosh... I feel so bad for the people who were hurt in the Colorado Shooting. D:

  4. Found out my grandmom has a Remington.870 a .22 rifle and a .302 ((I think that's the names.)) + a pistole....o3o

  5. There was once a young boy, who could not role play because he had to clean the house! Yet he took it in stride and brought his laptop with him so he could keep in touch with the ones he loves!

  6. Anyone see those ender dragons around? I'm going to yell FusRoFuh when I see one just to see peoples reactions :P

  7. Deep fried Twinkies.Thats what makes AMURICA great

  8. Bye Tav. It's been a real long run, and damn, was it fun while it lasted :I

  9. Nimik now rules nectar island and is breaking ym house down for no payment to me :/ he will give me a house but I don't want to live there....

  10. There is literly no Dwarfs in the southern kingdoms

  11. Nimik now rules nectar island and is breaking ym house down for no payment to me :/ he will give me a house but I don't want to live there....

  12. Read the FAQ before messaging me about how to use MPM :I

  13. Just wrote a poem called "The Fisherwoman and Relgard." That will be the last time he FTB's in the Cloud Temple...muhaha

  14. We aren't even on the Minestatus list anymore. Come on people, VOTE. We do so much for you, it would be wonderful if you could give back this one way.

  15. In the shower I realized something, I'll never become a villain on this server... I'll never have an accepted VA no matter how hard I try.

  16. Looking back to old times, in Aegis, I remember a battle, after this battle an Ascended came up to me, he gave me a staff and emoted that it glowed in my hand, he had told me OOC this was the first step to becoming an Ascended. He crashed right after that and a guy No-Rp killed me. No Ascended for me :(

  17. Playing Heavy Rain: ;~;

  18. Kill the DDOS. KILL IT WITH FIYAH!!!!

  19. Imma steal YOUR potato

  20. New Game of Thrones game trailer. Can nobody make a GoT game that doesn't look like rubbish?

  21. Question LotC. I am on my front lawn with my cat and my laptop. The air is nice, the temperature is cool, and I'm in the shade. No ants in my pants yet, although I feel one on my leg atm... Nope, it's gone now. Got my headphones so I can listen to my music. Is this peace, or no? ^_^

  22. Hello too all who see this My Name is ScottPilgram you may find me as Wind23 in minecraft

  23. LOTC- The only place in minecraft that having a diamond hoe is acceptable...

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