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Implementation Coordinator
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Everything posted by Kaiser

  1. Having... thoughts.. on.. halfling character...

    1. misssasy11


      Those are good thoughts...

      very good thoughts.

    2. Lawrence Berell
  2. I made a mistake, I realize that. I'm sorry. Like I edited my post, can we just sing a song and forgive me :( Accidents happen I was stupid to go so far, I apologize deeply.... Lalalalala lalalla lalala.... *Fade to black*

    1. Neri


      Just calm down, nobody took it that seriously anyway.

  3. whoa quite a large amount of rage I sturred up by mistaking a spam bot... I think I just lost faith for rage at me abut an accident that I lost faith about |:I confusion setting in now

    1. Kaiser


      er.... hopefully this isn't mistaken as a flame post... probab;y should lock it... but then they will think its a flame post... oh boy...

    2. Minst


      Here, I shall fix it. WARNING: This is most certainly NOT a flame post.

    3. Rai'Alyr


      If I may give you a bit

      of advice here, log off,

      relax, and think some

      things over before you

      do yourself harm.

  4. Yes I am :P

    Dun eat me....

  5. "You americans did it!" what?

  6. My faith has just been lost in Lotc.... I never guessed it would happen |:I I will wait in a cornor for it to be restored

  7. First step to stopping the bad roleplay is to stop talking about it, word for the wise

    1. Ever


      ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away

  8. I love Lotc, but sometimes I feel it dosn't love me...

    1. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      In Soviet Russia, LOTC loves YOU!

    2. Yoff


      I know the feeling~

  9. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/69492-the-oninuione/ DONE! Check it out, everyone, if you will! if you like it then make an app :)
  10. [[No OOC is allowed, None at all, Please PM for questions, I shall post them if need be. Also, This is a bland post, I shall make it more colorful and interesting later]] "The Onitys, is another name for The Oninuiones.... The world is held together of good people, warriors, diplomats, doctors and inventors. In a word the "Core" civilization, the builders of the world who keep balance running smoothly. These people are what Oninuione is, the workers who intend to better this world. The people who can better the world, formed together, will do no harm to anyone of Asulon...." - Shane Spade The Oninuiones were created to stop the people who will hinder this world. Murderers or monsters, rage filled empires and corrupt men, are what they intend to stop. Not by force, not by magic, but of word. The Oninuione are comprised of the best of society, and by that, those who wish to make the world a better place for the common man. Created by its Overseer, Shane Spade, it was once meant to be a guild of the righteous and pure, going to purge the land under the boot of the white shine. After much time, and much thought, the once forceful man Shane, changed. He became a Holy man, a man of God. He realized the world was not evil, but innocent, and very Intelligent. He repent his life to helping the world, not hindering it or "purging it" Over time the idea sprouted again, but in a new form. The Oninuione would come together as the best of the world, the smartest and strongest, intending on helping the weak and unknowing, they were given the names "The Frontoe". Still this was not enough an idea, small and weak, it wasn't enough. The basis of the Onitys were simple men and women, working their lives in supporting of the world of Asulon. So the Walkens were created, a form of the Oninuione, but with a more powerful means of helping. They would be as clean and good hearted as the Frontoe, but would intend to help the world by defending against the evil not with words of inventions, but weapons. Only to be vicious in situations of protection of the weak, or protection of the self, they would fight not to kill, but to simply stop the force of rage. If need be, the Walkens could kill out of defence. These forces must be monitored, as they could become rouge and a threat to the common good. Again, the Oninuione were too small, and unruly. Another force needed to be brought in, to control the body. The Council Of The White Shine, was first intended as the rulers of the Orinuiones, who would purge the evils of the world, and leave only the good. This idea was left behind when Shane thought through the new Orinuiones, but it seemed they were needed all together... The Council would be held of 4 people. One being The Club, One being the Heart, one The Diamond, and Shane as the Spade. The Club would look over the Walkens, and watch over any military actions of Asulon, reporting to the council. The Heart would control the Frontoe, and learn of any non-aggressive actions around Asulon, reporting to the council. The Diamond would look over trading of Asulon, again, reporting to the council. Finally the Spade, held by Shane, would look over the Oninuione as a whole, leading it as the "Head" of the body. The Oninuione now, is just being born. It is still weak, but it will be held by power soon. We are not centered anywhere, but if we must be, Nectar island is where Shane Spade resides. As a mostly traveling guild, most messages are given by bird, or letter, or posted on the nectar island notice board, or in the cloud temple. No missions are given, as the only mission needed is to protect the Common man, by fighting or by invention. Any questions can be sent to Shane Spade [[uracow, forum name, uracow]] via bird. Applications can also be sent to him [[Meaning here, don't send me messages of apps]] and such. As of now, council member seats are open, and an application to become a council member will be allowed as the seats are open. Reports will need to be sent every elven month or so, stating you are still active in being apart of guild. As for payment, none is given, as this is a guild to benefit Asulon and the common man, not yourself. Rules and Regulations: #1- Any and all actions to hinder or harm Asulon or the common good of the people, will result in warning, a lashing, and then banishment if need be. #2- The C.T.W.S. has the finale say in any matter that is brought up. Votes will be made by the council, if a even in votes, the Spade will decide the result of the matter. Argument or disregard for the rule, will result in a warning, a lashing, and a banishment if need be. #3-Any action of aggression against an allied or neutral party or guild, will result in an INSTANT banishment. #4- Any device or invention created to exterminate a race, religion, or party will result in a lashing, then a banishment if need be. #5- Any racism or intolerance for a race, religion, or party will result in a warning, a lashing, and a banishment if need be. #6- The use of "Jumping Ranks" is not allowed, you will be ranked up when a council member thinks you are ready, and advances you. [[Older members of the Walkens, like the White Purgers are only created to be able to keep small scale order]]\ #7- The use of "Whores", "Drugs" or any "Illegal" actions in the area you are in will result in a warning, a lashing, and a banishment if need be. #8- "Morally" Incorrect acts, such as cannibalism or mutilation, will result in an INSTANT banishment. #9- Abuse of power from the council members will result in a Public lashing, a speech of Impurity and the wrong doings of said men/woman, and followed by a Banishment from the council, and the Oninuione as a whole. Said person will be added to a list of "Impure" People, and shall be remembered as a disgrace to the Council and the Guild as a whole. #10- You must accept the Rules and Regulations to be accepted, not doing so will result in an OOC lashing, some trolling against you, and a deny. The Ranks Frontoe: #1- Frontoe Walkens: #1- Moon Shires - The first rank of Walkens, these men travel to from town to town, village to city and so on, watching to protect the common men, but are not allowed to help in nation wide advances/wars/trade. [[such as you may not participate in helping Oren kill the Undead or such, only village wide uses]] #2-Onyx Protectors- The second rank of the Walken, the Onyx Protecters are the fists of the Onity. They travel,as the Moon Shires do, but can now help support the common good, if they see fit. #3- White Purgers- The greatest rank of the Walkens, the White Purgers are Permitted to order lower ranked Walkens, as they see fit. They are allowed to support nations, and are allowed to speak for the council in times of need, as they have been given the trust. Council: #1- Club- The council member who watches over the Walkens, and reports any Wars or aggressive actions of the world #2- Diamond- The council member who reports any trade/travel of the world #3- Heart- The council member who looks over the Frontoe, and report any non-aggressive news of Asulon. #4- Spade- The leader, and fine divider of the council and the Oninuione as a whole. [[A note for the Walkens: you are not in squads or any type of group as that, but the older members may navigate you through the world and such.]] The Frontoe app: Mc/Roleplay name- Race- Age [[iC]]- Skills and levels- How will you benefit the world as a Frontoe?- Do you have a VA? link if so- Do you accept the rulesand regulation? Will you abide by them?- The Walken app: Mc/Roleplay name- Age [[iC]]- Skillsand levels- How will you benefit the world as a walken?- What does it mean to be a Walken in your words?- How will you go about being a Walken?- Do you have a VA? Link if so- Do you accept the rules and regulations?- The Council app: Mc/Roleplay name- What part of the council do you wish to be? [[Diamond, Club, Heart?]]- What past experience do you have to support being this type of council member?- How will you support not only Asulon, but the Oninuiones as a whole?- How will you go about being a council member? What will you do "In Office"?- Do you have a VA? Link if so- -The ORQ- What would you do if you were faced with a vote to support [[Name of Nation/Town here]] against say, the Undead?- How would you go about the situation of an unruly Walken/Frontoe?- What would you do if a Walken reported a town was being attacked by a group of human bandits?- [[One last thing, as the Guild is still very young It will not be help to larger things like statements from the council or such things. This will be brought in when the Guild is larger and older...]]
  11. Making... guild... almost... done...

    1. Dargene



    2. Kaiser


      Trying..hard.. can't... BREATH

  12. So I'm now going to start making my guild, after a while of lore work on it :/ it wont be flashy but thats fine, I will make it flashy later

  13. I just had babys with everyone in OOC

    1. steelersfan1221


      that is disgusting and inappropriate. And a lie.

      * shakes head in disappointment *

    2. Korvic


      -Didn't know was preggo...-

    3. Kaiser


      Its not a lie

      I can prove it :P

  14. Why is being a Halfling so fun? I don't think I can pull off being a small clumsy idiot, who does nothing but sit around all day doing nothing.... WAIT A MOMENT I'M A HALFLING IN REAL LIFE

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Hmm. I think you should see Halfling RP before you judge it so crucially.

  15. Ya I hit double digits for my Rep :D I'm so proud, not sure why though...

    1. SparehoeCakes


      I just hit 200. I want 250 now. :3


  17. I made a thing for a new world, just an idea I thought of if we ever get one :P

  18. Maybe a new maps what we need.... I don't know, I'm starting to lose hope I can help in all this... I cannot fix it alone, not at all.... I can only help and give ideas....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Twiddlepop


      ^This, and I'd like to see new people in high postions... Not saying it should be me, but new people in powerful positions would change a lot about how the world functions.

    3. Kaiser


      Yes Box~ I will check that out thanks :D

      For both Akira and Twiddlepop that was my main Idea, we would all have to limit roleplay of anger and hate to roleplay of survival and rebuilding. What is some unknown God attacked the world for say? Everyone has to join forces to survive, bringing together everyone, those who don't unite, die

    4. Twiddlepop


      That sounds pretty good, actually~ It'd be quite cool to see people split off into civilisations not because of race, but because of beliefs, morals, and other values.

  19. You may look at me and think this is stupid, but this is my idea. A MASS BANNING OF EVERYONE ON THE SERVER. Everyone will have to reaply, other then the GMs or admins. Maybe that will help sort out these drama teenagers who would rather cry then roleplay....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cyndikate


      You realize that you're stirring up more drama right?

    3. Kaiser


      Sadly yes, never intended it to be though

      I have just created what I intend to stop


    4. Kaiser


      I'm unlocking it, any more drama will just be deleted anyway


    1. loakmendbe


      Why am I not a halfling if they have sharpened sporks.

  21. Space Marine armor, lazars, futuristic healing devices, now unneeded ooc.... Get these people away...

  22. Ya, I started highschool, GET AT ME

  23. I'm going to now apply to be the only thing I've ever really wanted to be on Lotc

  24. "I am not a holy man, I am not a man a God, but when I enter the bath house, My soul crys to God" -Unknown

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