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-♣- Ƙindled -♣-

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Status Replies posted by -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

  1. Oh! guess where these lyrics comes from! and win a cookie! Here comes the lyrics! " rains weep o'er his hall" Your head will roll if you answer the question wrongly. *holds his hand over the sword of his hilt ready to chop their manhood off.. cause i don't hurt women so only men will get hurt here.**

  2. Last chrsittmat, i gave you my heart..

  3. And i sit lonley in the corner of the room, what should one do?

  4. I just thought of.. when players say "Those word were not used during this age" i think.. well modern english was the the common tongue.. English Saxon were. End of story.

  5. Brace yourselves, 2.5 is coming. HNNNNNNNNNG!

  6. I just saw the Hobbit film.. Holy crap a new song to learn ((Misty mountains) and i can't wait for part two and three!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I just saw the Hobbit film.. Holy crap a new song to learn ((Misty mountains) and i can't wait for part two and three!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I hope you all are having a good day / evening.

  9. *runs around in a circle knowing that i am insane for real now.*

  10. Hail Lordcraftians! How are we all today?

  11. Hail Lordcraftians! How are we all today?

  12. Hello, how are you? i just want to say thank you for accepting me into your community, it's very big for me and i love it extremly much. Have a good day / night . *Butter up activate*

  13. So whats everyone doing today?

  14. Look at that, i got 1 star!

  15. I'm pretty bored.. what should i do?

  16. How are we all this morning/afternoon/evening?

  17. I have done some thinking.. and may one use words and sentences like: Bloody 'hell', God!. Christ!, Jesus! etc.. In-game or is that seen as 'meta-gaming- or something like that?'

  18. I have done some thinking.. and may one use words and sentences like: Bloody 'hell', God!. Christ!, Jesus! etc.. In-game or is that seen as 'meta-gaming- or something like that?'

  19. I have done some thinking.. and may one use words and sentences like: Bloody 'hell', God!. Christ!, Jesus! etc.. In-game or is that seen as 'meta-gaming- or something like that?'

  20. Gonna try Two Worlds II. The pirate one.

  21. what language do people who are born deaf think in? *Mind-F***

  22. Santa isn't real.

  23. Mah god! i got 1 rep now!

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