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-♣- Ƙindled -♣-

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Status Replies posted by -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

  1. Don't tell me that the server got hacked again............... .__________.

  2. If you had your very own clone of you, who would you give it to?

  3. Putting down my dog today, I'll miss her.

  4. Is it right to assume a good amount of people have wanted to be a halfling wizard at one point in LotC?

  5. Is it right to assume a good amount of people have wanted to be a halfling wizard at one point in LotC?

  6. OwO i maybe wanna dye the tips of my hair blue :>

  7. i need one or two skinning apprentices, pm me if you wish to learn how to skin like me.

  8. Who here is good at rping a female child character?

  9. i need one or two skinning apprentices, pm me if you wish to learn how to skin like me.

  10. I present to you, the scariest thing I have seen on reddit all day http://imgur.com/0s4V3

  11. i need one or two skinning apprentices, pm me if you wish to learn how to skin like me.

  12. i need one or two skinning apprentices, pm me if you wish to learn how to skin like me.

  13. What is everyone doing!? TELL ME!

  14. What is everyone doing!? TELL ME!

  15. *Cries in the corner of his room* "I don't want a bastard!"

  16. *Cries in the corner of his room* "I don't want a bastard!"

  17. Anyone know how long a Goblin is pregnant for after the baby is 'made'?

  18. Whats your favourite thing to do on lotc?

  19. I think it will be special to say Merry Christmas in a different language so: !Hola Señors y Señoritas, Feliz Navidad! ;)

  20. Bloody hell, being told about the 'birds and the bees' by Graveth Stafyr is like getting dental surgery from a three year old with a pointy stick.

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