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-♣- Ƙindled -♣-

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Status Replies posted by -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

  1. Made may profile name all fancy like :D

  2. Happy birthday too me -plays violin-

  3. So, I suppose Graveth will get executed.. so bye guys.. say bye to Graveth, i'm not quite sure what i should do now :S

  4. Feels like -20 outside? Should be whearing a polar bear? "Alright let me get my teashirt."

  5. Girl I like is now single. Time to make my move today!

  6. Two hours sleep... I feel dead...

  7. Downloading Empire: Total War from Steam at 9MB/s. Fibre optic ftw.

  8. Elder Scrolls Online's Beta is available for sign ups

  9. Graveth's life is now on a rollercoaster that is going to hell.

  10. So, what's your most valuable possession IRL? Mine's a signed picture, addressed to myself, by Chandler Riggs (Carl from the Walking Dead)

  11. And it is now when i prepare for what i shall draw later today, something real sexy.. i think something that is mildly, well lets not get into that now.

  12. "A wizard is never late, Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to." Anyone know who said this?

  13. And it is now when i prepare for what i shall draw later today, something real sexy.. i think something that is mildly, well lets not get into that now.

  14. I'm bacon...... :)

  15. And it is now when i prepare for what i shall draw later today, something real sexy.. i think something that is mildly, well lets not get into that now.

  16. WoW, GW2 or SWTOR? I love and hate being off school, simultaneously.

  17. Ever since Aedric died. There has been a concerning amount of dark elves in Oren.

  18. Graveth is like.. Adunian wannabe. And my wolf is a steak.

  19. I might be Joining the Shield of Oren! Exciting stuff

  20. I might be Joining the Shield of Oren! Exciting stuff

  21. Starting to lose a lot of faith in this community. Not sure of I should bother sticking around if i never even RP that much.

  22. Panda found that Mad father is not nearly as epic as Ib is. EVERY ONE PLAY IB!!! Panda demands it!!! .. If you want..

  23. Well then, my internet crashed.. whilst orcs tried to kill me or take me as a slave.. god for once i love you internet.

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