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-♣- Ƙindled -♣-

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Status Replies posted by -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

  1. I am lost in oren..

  2. I am lost in oren..

  3. What is the difference between a girl and a chick?

  4. What is the difference between a girl and a chick?

  5. this is how I imagine all arguments to start on LOTC http://gyazo.com/f8bce795a1e1892ac8f43727d07edc10

  6. Hello carbon based life-forms, how was your day?

  7. I wuv all of you guys :3

  8. I've learned many a thing in LOTC, I've had an amazing time. But one question remains: what is "owo"?

  9. I hope the monthly waiting game can help some.. for i don't wish to leave this behind.

  10. Well I'm perma banned you guys, I love all of you... Farewell... 3

  11. When people are born deaf, what language do they think in their head?

  12. Roses are fish, violets elephant, sugar is ocean and i drown in you.

  13. Seems as though Im not going to be on untill monday... Should have backed up the OS... really should have backed up the OS...

  14. That moment when someone says "You mom!" IC

  15. Wiki says wood elves are cocoa skinned or cinnamon. Has anyone seen such an elf?

  16. Just got denied for the 4th time D: anyways im never gonna give up making applications!

  17. I decided to use my first character again, and make him have an annoying accent!

  18. Does anyone want some Dota 2 keys? I have 12 left ;-;

  19. Does anyone want some Dota 2 keys? I have 12 left ;-;

  20. Does anyone want some Dota 2 keys? I have 12 left ;-;

  21. Does anyone want some Dota 2 keys? I have 12 left ;-;

  22. Does anyone want some Dota 2 keys? I have 12 left ;-;

  23. Some GMs just want to see the world burn.

  24. Dwarf guys and girls, mind me joining your chat to play your song on the guitar?

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