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-♣- Ƙindled -♣-

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Status Replies posted by -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

  1. Graveth's roleplay is always so inappropriate, unless he is around children.

  2. The day you forget everything you studied for! Oops

  3. Graveth's roleplay is always so inappropriate, unless he is around children.

  4. The day you forget everything you studied for! Oops

  5. Okay then lads and lasses, whats up?

  6. Doo doo doo.

  7. In respons to Kalenz: More Dark Elves! Frankly we are just the coolest race in the server, no exceptions. There is no comparison between a high elf and a darkie, they darkie is overwhelmingly amazing. Plus we can all model ourselves after Drizzt, they model themselves after redneck/conservative racist southeners

  8. Good to see so many new players getting in. Thanks to Danny for this new app system and welcome to all who've made it through :)

  9. More high elves! Why I dare say we are on a roll... So many elves in such a short amount of time! Rise my elves! Rise!

  10. Panda will sleep tonight with wishes of higgsy getting well!!!

  11. Getting a lot more visitors on my profile than usual, STAHP JUDGIN' ME ;_;

  12. I want to ride into LoTC one day on my personal mammoth.

  13. Who's ready for a Tickling!?

  14. - House Stafyr when Godwein is not around.
  15. ๏ᗜ๏ I'm high on chocolate milk right now.

  16. Can you believe they are brother and sister? http://imgur.com/NWEfxGb

  17. To make an FM app or not, that's the question.

  18. Hola amigos y amigas!

  19. I think i won't be playing so much after Graveth gets killed, no feel for it.

  20. I think i won't be playing so much after Graveth gets killed, no feel for it.

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